Chapter 2: The Honeymoon

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After the party, Stefan and Caroline went into a limo to go on there honeymoon. Stefan was going to surprise his new wife by taking her to Paris, Stefan had planed out, he was going to take her to Paris and Stefan was going to surprise Caroline with Elena's return, from the coma. Damon and Stefan were shocked that she came out of the coma. Damon is Elena's epic love, besides that. Caroline was looking through her phone to see photos of her and Stefan's wedding. 

Caroline's POV: "Stefan were finally married, I never thought that I could ever be married." Stefan replies, "Honey I have a surprise for you, we're going to Paris, and I have another surprise, Damon, Matt, Bonnie, Enzo, Tyler, Alaric, the twins, and Jeremy will meet us in Paris the next day for the ultimate surprise."

Stefan's POV: "Damon I told Care, that I'm bringing her to Paris, and you guys are going to meet us there, but the thing is I'm nervous about how my wife will react to Elena, because Elena was a coma for so many years, plus since I'm human I was thinking about having kids with Caroline, I mean I want Lizzie and Josie to have  a brother or sister. I don't want to turn into our dad, the man that would abuse our mother, and would only care about himself, Caroline is already an amazing mom, to the twins. I even have names picked out, so I'm already a step-dad to the twins." 

Damon's response, "Brother, I would to be an uncle, for your kids, Elena and  I are thinking about marriage, because I look at you, and Care's relationship, I want that with Elena, remember when I dated Caroline, I treated her like blood bag, I would always compel her to forget what I did you would always protect her, I remember Caroline would always take your side. 

Stefan continue on the phone with Damon saying, "My Caroline memories are, when she first killed while she fed, I told her that everything was going to be okay, because I would protect her." Damon than said, "Night brother." Stefan hung up.

Caroline's POV: "So I wonder what the other big surprise is." 

Back at the Salvatore house Damon was packing his clothes, Elena came in and said, "Babe I can't believe I'm finally out of that coma for good!" Damon said back, "Yeah honey, I'm glad it sucked not having you around, when Care was walking down the aisle and she wanted you there, so did we all." Elena and Damon than kissed. 

Elena's POV: "I can't believe Stefan and Caroline are married, Caroline's girls are so cute, who knew Alaric would have cute kids. I wonder what our kids will look like, I mean I heard what you and Stefan were talking about marriage." 

Damon's POV: "Well that was a private conversation but I love you, and yes I want to have a family with you and get married but now lets pack, and go surprise Stefan and Caroline." 

Back in Paris Caroline and Stefan were unpacking and than got ready for bed, because they were so very tired from today. 

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