Maddox looked at Austin, "So, you cut your legs now or don't cut?"

Austin shook his head softly, "Forgot you'd recognize those."

"Answer?" Maddox asked.

"I don't cut anymore," Austin said, "I'm already getting hurt. Why add to it?" Maddox nodded in agreement softly. "Why'd you ask about my legs? I've seen your arms Maddox... and... Salem said that you all understood it."

Maddox walked to his bathroom and came back down with the materials he needed to care for Austin, making sure to grab a glass of water for Austin to rinse out the blood from his mouth as well. "Yeah... I cut my legs," Maddox said as he gently soaked a soft rag in rubbing alcohol, cleaning up any cuts. "You already know why."

"There's more to it than that though isn't there?" Austin asked, "I know you Mads, you don't just tell me everything like that."

"Everyone learns what cutting is from somewhere," Maddox said quietly, "Mine just happened to be my dad."

Austin looked at Maddox, "He made you didn't he... you wouldn't do that on your own free will."

"You observe me more than Braxton ever has Austin," Maddox said gently as he continued to clean blood and dirt off Austin's face.

"Does he still make you do it?"

Maddox sighed and rested his hands in his lap, his attempts at changing the topic failing, "If he's home he does."

"Where has he been?"

"He said he'd be up in New York for a while. Didn't say how long."

Austin looked at Maddox, "Would it be wrong for me to hope that he died?"

"I wish for the same thing every time he leaves, Tex." Austin couldn't help but smile at the nickname. The nickname Texas was one that they all use, and it's fairly easy to see why. But only Maddox called him Tex. "You're smiling like a dork," Maddox said as he returned to caring for Austin's injuries.

"Hard not to when such a sweet person is with me."

"Sweet?" Maddox asked before laughing. "I am many things Tex, but sweet isn't one of them."

"You are such a sweetheart though," Austin argued.

Maddox rolled his eyes, "Whatever." Austin sighed and sat quietly so Maddox could continue caring for his injuries. Once done, the two ended up sitting on the couch and watching TV together, Austin throwing his shirt on quickly. Eventually, they both heard their phones go off.

Hell Bois

Witch Trials: Good news, I'm alive. Bad news, my fucking ribs hurt.

Texas: That's a big mood

Archangel: Are you two okay?? Do I need to come over?

Texas: Gabe chill I'm at Mads he took care of it

Witch Trials: I'm already on my way to Brax's. Don't worry.

Archangel: Salem I am your boyfriend it's my fucking job to worry

Furry: if its ur job y do u always worry about all of us

Archangel: Why can't you just write normally?

Furry: does it piss u off

Archangel: A little bit, yeah.

Furry: gud ill keep it up

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