chapter 31

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Aloha everyone!!!
How's you doing?
I'm feeling so blue at the moment and I really need some motivation 💙
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God bless you!

VERY IMPORTANT: I am not a medical personnel, nor am I a medical student, any medical content you see down there is simply my assumption, and results from a minor research I made. So please of you see a mistake, kindly point it out and I'll rectify it.
Thank you.



Innalillahi wa Inna ilayhirrajiun!!!!

"YA NOUR!!!!!" I screamed. It resonated within the four walls that bind the room and came back to me.

Don't panic Munaar

Do not panic.

I took deep breaths to calm myself and I did the only rational thing that came to my mind. I rushed to the bathroom and got a bowl of water. I came back and sprinkled some on his face, he didn't move a muscle.

Fear creeped up my entire body. I started whispering any Dua that came to my mind.

What if he's dead.

No do not go there. He will not die. He can't die.

What do you mean he can't die, isn't he human?.

My mind was battling with my subconscious and I shutted them out. I needed to focus. I dipped my hands in the water and wiped them over his face again. His eyes twitched. I felt a wave of relief wash through me.

I wiped his face with my wet hands again and his eyes fluttered open this time around. A crease formed between his eyebrows. He slowly opened his eyes only to shut them again. I adjusted him with so much difficulty, till he was completely laying on the bed. He was breathing now but he still layed motionless. Eyes closed.

I found my phone on the dresser table where I had kept it. I dialed my mother's number. She didn't pick. I called his own mother. Her phone was switched off. I sensed myself panicking again. The tears ran freely on my face.

I called the next number I saw which turned out to be Hanma O's own. Much to my relief, he picked after three rings. Immediately he picked.

"Hanma..... Ya Nour, he's slipping in and out of consciousness... I don't know what happened...."

I managed to say.

"La haula wala quwwata illa billah...... Is he awake now?" He asked.

"Yes... No.... I do not know wallah" I said in a broken voice.

"Don't panic, call our family doctor, you have his number right? He doesn't live far from you.... It'll be easi...." He didn't finish when I cut the call.

Right! Dr. Muneer.

Why didn't I think of that earlier?

I quickly rummaged through my contacts till I settled on his contact. Baffa made sure We all have his number in case of an emergency, and it's proved useful today.

I dialed, he didn't pick. I dialed again. Thankfully he picked after the second ring this time.

"Assalam alaykum Doctor, it's Munaar... Munaar Bawuro. Sorry for disturbing you, it's my husband... He's slipping in and out of consciousness.... I don't know what happened" I greeted and explained in one sentence.

"Wa alaykum aasalm Munaar. Subhanallahi get him to stay awake. I'll come right away, send me your address via SMS." He said.

"Okay Doctor, thank you" I said and cut the call. I quickly typed the house address and sent it to him. I went back to the bed. He was breathing but it wasn't even breaths. I held his hand and kept running my hand through his hair.

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