chapter 19♥

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mz_dimplesssss😍😍😍😍😍 thank you baby♥♥♥♥♥

Asslm lovliesss...
How have you been...? Please don't kill me.....alot has happened,like alot...but Alhamdulillah am alive😧😷😚😍😙. I'd probably be receiving the "worst writer award".... well I humbly accept it😧🏆♥😂.

*bows to croud*

*croud applause*

Sooo..... if you have forgotten the story line I'd advice you to kindly go and read the last chapter before you continue with this one.

Thanks for reading 😙♥.

This chapter is dedicated to ALL OF YOU!!!!!♥♥♥♥.


Nour walked down the stairs donned in his shiny white jallabiya, his body evaporating of his tommy Hilfiger men cologne. His hair was tousled a bit and if you looked closely, you'd see the little tiredness in his warm brown velvety eyes. But nevertheless, they still had that twinkle that always set people curious as to what was on his mind.

With his soft strides downstairs his mind was filled with thoughts of the gorgeous cute creature in the kitchen, he wasn't at all prepared when he saw the familiar two girls that troubled his life, with their suit cases at the foot of the stairs. A confused look quickly masked his face.

Immediately they saw the look on his face, their eyes lit up with mischievous glints.

"Hello brother" Ashe said with a fake smile plastered on her heavily made up face, she was trying to look past him, to see if his so called wife was behind him. But she saw no one.

Muneebah was looking around the house, her nose turned up with a look of disgust, and her eyes rudely raked through the furniture, she made a mental note to find out which furniture house they were bought from. Downgrading as she did for Munaar's family , she never thought they were fortunate enough to furnish the house with such lavish, plush items.

"You didn't tell me you were going to come" he answered them for the first time.

"Oh....sweet brother!" Ashe exclaimed "do we need permission to grace out own brothers house with our lovrly presence?" She said and batted her eyelashes in a manner that she thought was cute, but in reality she actually looked like those dolls that open and close their eyes when you move them.

Nour didn't answer her, Munaar had come out of thr kitchen by now. She was shocked to see them at such an impromptu visit. But she didn't show it on her face.

After all, it's their brother's house.

She thought to herself.

"Will you drag our bags and show us to our potential rooms please?" Ashe asked Munaar in a mock polite tone. With that same fake barbie smile still plastered on their faces.

"I will not have you speak to my wife like that!!" Nour thundered.

"No it's okay.... follow me please" Munaar said calmly....

God knows what brought them about, well whatever the case may be, inshallah I'll never let their antics get at me.....

She solemnly pledged to herself.

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