2~ fight 🐯📝📱

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(Some hours ago)

y r u making this a big deal!

cuz its a big deal!
you can't just always ditch me like that

i said sorry, didn't i?

ik but this is not it,

you are ignoring my calls
replying my text late

just because of a guy who you like
is paying attention to you.

tae i know you are taking out Mrs.lee's anger on me!

you know what
text me when you think your anger cool down

when you realize its not that big of a matter.

get lost

I plopped my phone and wiped my tears. A sorry cannot be an explanation of what he did. He'd been ignoring me and all the time focusing on the guy he crush on, the guy he met 3 weeks ago, who is not even in our collage.

I was so in anger that I straight went to delete his number and block him on Instagram. I promised myself to not talk to him even if he get back to our dorm.

It was late and he was still not here. Making me worry, but I still did not want to make any efforts and show him that I care. I went to my desk and went to do my essays.

"Shit" I cuss....

I noticed that the bag I had was not mine. My and hoseok's bag got exchange. I had my precious notes in it.

I opened my phone to text him for my notes. He could send me there images, atleast. But I realized that there was no more a contact with his number.

And I wanted my notes so I went with what I remembered in his number .

"Was it 45 or 75 at last?" A big question...

I did some ini mini mantra and went with 75

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I gulped staring with wide eyes and practically drooling on the thing I shouldn't see.

But what the FUCK!!!!

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