"You deserve better," He steps forward.

"Bullshit." She stands up from the sofa. "I don't believe you when you say you don't want to move because of your family, I know there's another reason. What is it!?"

"Moving to a different country where there's no family, we'll be all alone. That right there is why I don't want to move. I can't be away from my family." Harry frowns when she starts laughing humorlessly.

"Besides that, what is stopping you from moving? What is making you want a divorce?" Astrid presses on, she wanted him to say it.

"Astrid, please—"

"You know, being fucked by your drunk husband is bad enough but to hear him moan out someone else's name while doing so is just fucking shitty. Yeah, you were amazing but knowing you only did it because you were drunk and you thought I was your fucking slut!" She was now standing in front of Harry. "You cheater!"

"I— what..." Harry's eyes were wide and his mouth hung open.

"How could you do this to me? Not only did I have to deal with infertility, an alcoholic husband, but now a cheater??" Astrid pushes him back. "I should be the one asking for a divorce for all the shit you've put me through, but guess what? I'm not."

"I'm sorry, I never meant to hurt you—"

"Shut up. Just, shut up!" She feels hot tears rolling down her face. "I... I lost it."

"Wh—what?" Harry feels his whole world crashing down when she starts crying loudly.

"I lost our baby! And it's all your fault! You stressed me out so fucking much.... you.. fuck you!" She gives him a harsh shove making him fall back against the wall, she runs out of the house.

Harry stood there in shock, his eyes filling up with tears. It doesn't take long for him to slide down the wall hugging himself as he cried loudly.


"I've made lasagna!" Roger says in an exciting tone making Niall laugh.

"Did ya? With what ingredients, I have nothing." Niall slides out of bed to follow Roger out to the small kitchen.

"I went out to buy some things, your fridge is fully stocked now." He smiles proudly.

"What? Rog, you didn't have to do that." He frowns. "I'll pay you back."

"It's okay, baby, I don't mind." The blond pulls Niall in for a tight hug. "I like taking care of you."

"You don't have to though." He breathes out letting the older man hold him.

"I know I don't, but I want to." Roger pulls back and gives him a smile. "Come dig in, you'll love it. It's my nan's secret recipe, had to bloody work hard to get it so I really hope you like it."

Niall smiles and goes to serve himself, he sits down feeling his mouth water at the delicious lasagna in front of him. He takes a forkful of it and moans when the flavors explode in his mouth. "Oh my god, Rog, this is amazing!" He says after swallowing.

"You liked it?" He grins cheekily.

"I fucking love it!" He doesn't say anything else, he was too busy eating it and serving himself more of it. He decides he's had enough when he realized half of the lasagna was finished, he blushes and goes to wash up the dishes.

"I could've washed those, you know?" Roger stands behind Niall.

"You've done enough, Rog. And I'm capable of washing dishes so let me." He looks over his shoulder shooting him a playful glare.

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