i'm married

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"I had sex with Niall... multiple times."

"Harry," Zayn takes a hold of his friend and forces him to look at him. "I know you're having problems with Astrid right now but cheating isn't right, believe me, I fucked up and I regret it so much. I don't want you to feel the way I did, hell, still do. You're better than that."

"Am I though?" Harry's eyes start to well up.

"You are." He says sternly. "You have to be honest with yourself and with Astrid. Haz, you don't love her. You never did. I still don't get why you even married her."

"I do love her," He pushes Zayn's hands away, he gulps down the rest of the beer.

"Not the way you're supposed to love your spouse." Zayn says under his breath. "Harry, how did you meet Niall?"

"I don't want to talk about him, I want to forget him. I don't want to keep thinking about him." Harry turns to ask the bartender for another drink.

"You can't forget unless you talk it out, you're only confusing yourself even more by keeping all your feelings and thoughts to yourself." Zayn slowly sips on his drink, knowing he'll have to stay sober because Harry was already tipsy and the night just started. "So talk."

"I met him here," He looks back at the exact spot he had first seen the small brunette. "I was drunk and horny, he had caught my eye. He was dancing swinging his hips, he was lost in the music and I couldn't stop staring. I went up to him to dance with him and next thing we know we're in the loo and he's sucking me off."

"What were you doing here? Were you alone?" He asks.

"I had asked Astrid about going to America for the summer and she said no, she didn't even think about it she just said no. She had the whole summer planned out already and I had no say in anything. I was angry so I left before I could snap, I couldn't tell Louis about how I felt because I would only look like an arsehole." Harry chugs the pint.

"You could've come to me." Zayn says. "You can always come to me."

Harry shoots him a smile, he was glad he had Zayn. He was always so understanding. "I appreciate it."

"How did you find Niall again? After that night I assume you went back home, did you two exchange numbers?" He leans his back on the counter watching a group of people walk into the bar.

"We didn't, as soon as I finished.. I left. I felt awful, I hated myself for what I did. Swore I'd never do it again." He bites on his lip. "I bumped into him weeks after, he and I didn't have to say anything we started to messily kiss and touch each other. He took me back to his flat and yeah." He didn't find it necessary to tell him every detail.

"Did Niall know you were married?" Zayn was very careful on which questions to ask, he didn't want him to think he was being attacked or even judged.

"Not at first, after the fourth time he found out and he kicked me out. I didn't see him for about two weeks. I felt empty, wasn't sure why. I went back to the bar every other night hoping to see him and I did, he was about to go home with another guy. I was going to let him go but when I saw how scared he was I pulled him from the prick and took him home." He starts to slur a few words as the alcohol in him started to take effect.

"Have you slept with him recently?" He places his hand on his shoulder trying to keep him still.

"No." He grumbles.

"Why not?" That explains his short temper that Louis keeps pointing out.

"Astrid wants to have a baby and I can't keep doing stupid shit if she does get pregnant, I have to be there for her." Harry thanks the older man who filled his glass one again.

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