Take My Hand

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Chapter 9: Take My Hand

After our lovely catch up, I took Lia and Silver upstairs to ask for some advice. This was the first time a boy took interest in me (well I think he's interested) and I don't want to fuck anything up.

"Okay so what do I do when I meet him tonight? What do I wear? Will my parents even let me out at that time? Oh my gosh I'm gonna have to stand him up!"

Lia cut me off, "CALM DOWN! We are going to tell your parents you're going out with us so they won't say no but as for what do/ wear,"

"Wear something warm since it is midnight but also wear something so that he can't keep his eyes off of you" Silver said with a wink.

"Don't forget to stay calm and do you, boo. Don't be a goober, or actually be a goober, maybe he likes that. But other than that you should be great." Lia finished.

"Alright it's almost 11:20. We should start leaving so my parents will forsure let me go out. Let me just choose what to wear."

I am extremely nervous. What if he's going to surprise me and tell me this was all some terrible joke and he pranked me so that every moment we spent together was a lie he told his friends about just for the lols.

"Whatever you're thinking about, don't, you know Garrett would never do you wrong" Lia shouted.

Ugh she was right. I just need to breathe and think positive. After about 15 minutes, I finally found the cute and warm outfit that would keep his eyes glued to me. I chose my red skater skirt, loose black crop top sweater, and of course my converse. Simple but definitely cute.

"Mom! Dad! I'm going out with Lia and Silver for an hour or two!" I shouted as we ran out the door. They probably wouldn't have objected but I didn't want to take any chances.

This was it, it's midnight and I'm standing outside in the cold waiting for the boy I like, hoping he doesn't actually loathe me. Once I heard the engine of his motorcycle approaching I spun around quickly to meet eyes with the one who made my heart melt with just one smile.

"Hey there Princess are you ready to go?" he said happily.

I waited out in the cold I think I'm allowed to mess with him for a second or two."

"Actually I'm kind of cold and tired now, can we do this in the afternoon instead?" I said turning towards the door. Before I could even get to my driveway Garrett ran up to me and spun me around so that we were face to face.

"Not so fast, if you're so cold, let me warm you up." With that he pulled me into a big hug and when he pulled away he took my face into his hands and warmed up my lips, if you're catching my drift. "By the way you look absolutely gorgeous tonight"

I pushed off and looked up extremely flushed because of the cold wind and because of what just happened.

"Let's go" Garrett grabbed my hand and we sped away on his motorcycle.

He didn't tell me where we were going so when we stopped in front of the school I was quite surprised.

"Garrett I was hoping to only go to school when necessary, and seeing as we have the rest of the week off, I shouldn't be here till Monday."

"Well if you would stop blabbing I could tell you what we're doing here" He said in a whiny joking manner.

"Actually I'd rather show you, so put this on" he said as he held up a blindfold.

"You do realize being blindfolded defeats the purpose of actually showing me something?" I argued.

"Oh stop being such a smartass and put it on" he was done with my shit, hehehe.

I finally cooperated and felt him place his hands on my waist as he led me to where ever he planned to lead me.

"Garrett if you make me run into something I will make a dog poop on your precious little bike." I threatened

He didn't retort but all I heard was his deep chuckle and then I ran into a door.

"Ow! What did I just finish telling you!?"

"Hahaha oh god I'm sorry, I swear that door was supposed to be open" He apologized while laughing manically. Stupid punk.

"Okay well, we're here but don't take off the blindfold just yet." He said walking further away from me.

I heard some shuffling in the background, switches being flipped, and then I heard the intro to "Can I Have This Dance" start to play.

"Okay take it off"

I gasped and let out a breath that I didn't even realize I was holding in. We were on the rooftop of the school but I could barely tell. It was just like in the movie except there were fairy lights hanging everywhere, daisies scattered across the floor, and of course the most attractive boy standing right in the middle with a smile on his face.

The music started to play and as he walked up to me, along with the song he said "Take my hand" and I did. He pulled me in and we began dancing under the stars while he sweetly sang the song to me. This moment was surreal and I'm sure if he wasn't holding onto me I wouldn't be able to stand up with how jelly my legs felt.

I didn't notice the music stop until he stepped away to look me in the eyes, as he took my hands into his and started to speak.

"Delilah Rivers" he paused. "You're shy, beautiful, hilarious, and sarcastic as fuck. You share my love for High School Musical and every time I see you it feels like I'm meeting you for the very first time. It's like getting nervous before the ride starts and you sit there trying to play out exactly how it'll go. Once you're on the ride you think it'll get better but it doesn't. Like the rollercoaster, with every move you make I feel a constant rush. The ride eventually stops, but with you, I hope it never does. Princess, you're kinda perfect. Will you please be my girlfriend?"

Ho-ly shit.

He just asked me to be his girlfriend. Although it's funny how he compared me to a rollercoaster when I cannot handle those things at all.
Oh no, he's looking scared, I think I'm taking too long to answer. What am I waiting for...

"Well, I guess you're kinda perfect too" I said with a smirk.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and started to play with his hair but still had yet to answer his question. Of course I'd say yes but I want to see him squirm, just like he does to me.

He groaned and buried his face into my hair, "Princess" he whined like a child.

"Yes, Michaels, I would love to be your girlfriend" I smiled

His eyes lit up almost as bright as the lights surrounding us and then he kissed me.

No words needed to be spoken. Everything we felt was in this one kiss and it was perfect.

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