Garrett Michaels

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Chapter 2: Garrett Michaels

Garrett Michaels was no goody two shoes and everyone knew that. For years I’ve seen this boy get into fights and sent out of the class more times than one. He didn’t need to try and he knew how to use that to his advantage. Even with his reputation, everyone still loved him. He had this charm you couldn’t resist and to say I didn’t fall for it would be a lie. Garrett never actually acknowledged who I was, seeing as I wasn’t ‘popular’. I had two beautiful and outgoing best friends, so it’s hard not to wonder where I fit in with them. My friends could care less about their status in high school so of course they stayed with me for better and for worse. Occasionally the populars would invite them to parties but me? I was left out of course. My best friends knew leaving me wasn’t an option so they’d never accept their invitations.

Since Garret moved to town in eighth grade he was hot shit. Being attractive, outgoing, and badass was all it took to have the shallow plastics all over him. Although he seemed high and mighty to people, I knew deep down he was different. The softness in his eyes spoke to me. Okay, maybe I’m just being a dramatic teen and am overanalyzing everything but I felt it.


This is gonna be the shittiest of all days, Tuesday. Tuesdays are never pleasant so why not wear my favorite old man sweater to make me feel a bit better. Lia and Silver left for school without me since I told them I wanted to walk and boy do I regret that decision. I had just reached the front gate and the final bell had finished ringing.

            “UGHHHH! I’m late again!! I’m pretty sure that damn teacher will hate me more than I think is humanly possible” I yelled as I stomped through the halls.

I thought I was alone until I head a low chuckle and I instantly snapped my head up to see where the noise had come from. Garrett. There he was leaning against the lockers enjoying the show I had put on. I felt my cheeks flush a deep red and I know they wouldn’t go unnoticed. Before I knew it he was walking towards me with a little smirk etched on his face.

            “Hey Delilah, you having fun over here?”

I didn’t think my cheeks could get any darker but they did so I just looked to the ground.

“Haha hey don’t worry about it I thought it was cute.” He said

“I- uh –I…” Before I could form an actual sentence he cut me off and asked if I wanted to go to class now. I stood there confused until I realized he was in my history class! How could I miss a gorgeous face like his?

In attempt to form another sentence “I uh yeah sure” I wanted to face palm right then and there, geez I’m such a goober. With my eyes still concentrated on the floor he swung his arm around me

 “Well okay great let’s go.”

Too shocked to move I realized he was basically dragging me to class. We were about to enter the room when I quickly slipped out of his arms. If we walked in further like this I would have surely drawn all attention to me. Once I stepped into the class I thought I felt daggers pierce through me only to see the teacher glaring.

“Oh Ms. Rivers, Mr. Michaels it’s lovely for you to join us, care to explain why you both arrived to my class fifteen minutes late?”

In my failed attempt of explaining Garrett intervened and said “Well teach, I saw Delilah walking when suddenly a car rushed passed her and almost hit her and since I was the only one there I thought it would be rude of me to ignore a pretty girl in need of assistance.”

My head shot up, wide eyed and I felt all eyes on my once again.

“Yeah uh what he said, so if it’s alright sir, may I be excused to the nurse’s office?”  What looked like such a difficult decision to make, Mr. Caca teacher let me go, but of course not without an escort. I made it halfway down the hall when once again Garrett appeared. I blushed again but this time I was able to get some words out.

“Hey, thanks for that, but you didn’t need to lie for me.”

Shooting me his award winning smile “No it’s totally fine, but you know what I said wasn’t all a lie” he winked.

Okay… What just happened? Is he flirting? Or am I crazy.

I opened my mouth to speak when he spoke “He Delilah, I’m gonna take you home today, meet me out front at 3:15. Alright see you later!”  


I couldn’t even respond when he suddenly turned around and walked towards History class. I stood there shocked and confused on what exactly happened, I felt a headache coming. So this time I really did go to the nurse’s office. I sat there till the end of lunch and through math because why not. When it was finally the last period of the day, I met with Lia and Silver who hounded me with questions.

“Delilah Rivers! What the hell happened to you today? You disappeared and didn’t even think to tell us? And what is this we are hearing about you and Garrett Michaels showing up to class together? You have a lot to explain missy!”

Once I finally explained myself I looked up to see my two friends wide eyed and smiling from ear to ear. “YOU TOTALLY HAVE A CRUSH ON HIM!!”

“Holy nuggets shut up! You are so loud!”

All they did was glare when finally Lia said, “Well since you’ve kept all this from us, you need to tell us everything during the ride home. I was about to agree until I remembered I was getting a ride from Garrett.

“Uhhh I’d love to but I already have a ride home and I don’t think denying the offer is an option.”

They looked at me like I was crazy which was understandable since I didn’t have any other friends but those two. With their intense glares I knew the question burning in their minds.

“It’s uh Garrett, he’s taking me home.”

“WHAAT!” and cue the bell.

“Oh hey! Look at that! I’ll see you guys at my house! BYE!” And with that I ran out to the parking lot. I looked around for a few seconds but it wasn’t hard to miss him. There he was, Garrett Michaels staring straight at me and waving. I was starting to walk towards him when I realized he was leaning on his motorcycle. Once I reached him I just blurted out, “I am not riding this death trap!” I was so serious but all he did was laugh. “HEY! It’s not funny! I could fall off and die!” He interrupted my soon to be rant “Delilah you’ll be fine, now hop on, put on this helmet, and hold on around my waist.” He can’t be serious. Just as I was about to walk away I felt his arms around me and before I knew it I was being lifted onto his bike. He placed the helmet on and rushed us out of the parking lot. During the ride I realized I was hugging him extremely tight that I could basically feel his abs. He tensed at my touch a few times but I’m sure It was because I was basically crushing him in hopes I don’t die.

Fifteen minutes later we came to a stop and I finally opened my eyes only to realize that we were in front of my house. I looked at him and then at my two friends staring at me with my arms wrapped around the badass Michaels. I quickly let go and almost fell off the bike but something caught me. Once again Garrett to the rescue.

“Thanks” I said shly.

“Anytime” he smiled as he thrust his phone towards me “Here put your number in, I’ll call you when I’m here tomorrow morning.” I looked up at him confused and cocked my head to the side.

He caught on to my actions and said “I’m taking you to school” and with that he rode away. 

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