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Chapter 5: Firsts

It’s been about 20 minutes in the car and we still haven’t arrived to wherever we were supposed to be, and I was getting slightly worried.

“Hey Garrett? Are you going to kill me? Is this where I die? I know you’re hot and stuff but you can’t get away with murder.

“You think I’m hot, eh?” aaannnd point for Delilah for being a goober

“Is that really all you got from what I said?”

“Well, yes, and I am not going to kill you, silly, look outside your window and see where we are.”

Holy shit, we are outside of a freaking arena, we are going to the venue for the Ed Sheeran concert! My first concert! I think I might cry. Oh lord. Breathe, Delilah! B-R-E-A-T-H-E!

“OH MY GOD! How did you know I loved Ed Sheeran!?!?”

“It’s not that hard to figure out actually, he’s on your phone case, posters in your room, and you have an Ed Sheeran sweater.”

I blushed, “Wow I didn’t think you paid attention to any of my things”

“Well yeah” he rubbed the back of his neck, “I mean, it’s nothing”

Woah woah wait, was the Garrett Michaels getting nervous around me of all people? Oh please someone record this moment. What does this mean? Does he like me? Does he think I’m hot stuff ;) Oh no I’m zoning out lalala, snap out of it!

“Princess, we’re here” he said in a singing manner.

Once we found our parking spot, we walked towards where our seats and I noticed that we were inching towards the front, and here is where I lost it.

“What the actual fuck Garrett! You got front row tickets!”

I got a bit too excited and grabbed his arm but surprisingly he didn’t mind and just let me hold on to him. I won’t lie, this felt right.

“Yes I did, thanks for letting me know, Delilah.” Sarcastic ass.

“I’m not telling you how I got them so let’s enjoy this shit because I have a feeling things or going to get interesting.”

There’s Ed Sheeran!! He’s gonna sing! He’s in arms length of being touched, and I am with the hottest boy to ever speak to me! Oh what a wondrous day this is.

He started off with “You  Need Me, I Don’t Need You” and worked his way through the Multiply album. It was nearing the end of the concert and started to sing my favorite song “Thinking Out Loud” but then he suddenly stopped.

I saw him look straight down at me and said “Good evening ladies and gentlemen, I’d like to take this time to bring up my good friend’s lovely date to sing this song with me”

Before I could fully grasp what just happened I was being escorted to the stage and I was now next to Ed fucking Sheeran, and in front of thousands of people. Shit.

I looked straight to Garrett and mouthed “I hate you” and of course he responded with

“WOOO GO PRINCESS!” Oh this boy will be the death of me...

I was so nervous and I hated being in front of a large group of people but as I turned to Ed, all that disappeared, and he started the song once more.

I’ll admit that I’m not a bad singer, hell, I’d like to think I was pretty damn good, so why not make this moment last.

The song was coming to an end and I finally looked out to the audience, but my focus went straight to Garrett. He stood there smiling up at me and I knew he knew exactly how I felt.
I got off stage and back to Garrett, and all the calmness that I kept on stage went out the window. I started to shake and I didn’t know what to do.

Garrett noticed me freaking out and that was when he took my hands into his and said, “You were great up there, calm down, and let’s go cause the concert is over.”

It wasn’t too late yet and he didn’t have anything else planned so we just drove around the city as we talked. We learned the basics about each other like favorite color, favorite memory, hobbies/talents, and all that junk. I’d like to think this moment was pretty perfect.

Before I knew it it was nearing 1 am and we made it back to my house. I didn’t want this date to end so I invited him inside. And no, we will not be doing the dirty. I just want to sit in the warmth and talk to him.

He accepted the offer and there we sat. It was calm conversation for a while until things got intense. We started talking about baseball and how I thought Brandon Crawford from the San Francisco Giants was hotter than him.

Garrett obviously didn’t take this well and started listing things soo perfect about him.

“Wow Garrett I don’t think there’s room for me on this couch since your ego takes up all the space”

“Oh Princess, you’re gonna regret you said that.”

“Oh really? Why is that?” I pushed it.

“You’ve got five seconds to run” Ohp!
I got up and literally ran everywhere I could, the kitchen, the garden, and stupidly the hallway. I was trapped and he kept me there. It was the wall, me, and Garrett. Déjà vu, but I have a feeling something different will happen in this hall.

“Well, well, hello there Princess” He said lowly as he started into my eyes.

“Why hello there, Garrett, funny seeing you here.” I don’t know how I found the confidence to say that but I’ll go with it.

He started to speak, “Yeah well—“

“Thanks for tonight” I blurted out.

He laughed, “It’s no problem, Delilah, I had a great time and I’m sure you did too.”

“Haha yeah” I said looking down “When you said embarrassing I thought you were just going to trip me or something, but I have to say, being on stage with Ed Sheeran was 10x better”

He smiled and started slowly moving closer to my face.

Ah fuck, is this where he kisses me? I don’t know if I’m ready for this!

He almost kissed me but I moved my head so he kissed my cheek.

“I’m sorry uh I don’t know how to uh yeah…” At this point I thought he would move away but nope!

“Princess, you don’t need to be scared, can I try one more time? It’ll be quick I promise. With that, he placed a hand on my cheek and gave me a short but sweet kiss.

“How was that” He asked.

“Not as bad as I thought, uhm can I uh try again?” My eyes went directly to his lips.

From the spaces between my hairs I saw him smile an actual smile, not a smirk. His lips pressed onto mine once more and I decided to react. I kissed him back!

I felt sparks, I felt fuckin’ fire and I didn’t want it to stop. I ended wrapping my arms around his waist and then pulled back.

“oh shit” I whispered

“Best first kiss huh, Princess”

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