The Goddess Awakens

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"Jin, you don't have to" you muttered

You waddled into the kitchen tiredness trying to claim you.

"Let me do this, do you really want to spoil my fun?" He teased flicking your forehead softly.

"But I- you're my guest.", pouting, you tried to shove him weakly.

"You're so cute you know that." He laughed, already dicing onions smoothly. You went to speak again but after a final chop of the onions, he lifted you on a countertop and sat you there.


"I am not a dog."

He chuckled to himself at your last sarcastic jab. He had barely started but seeing all the ingredients laid out made your stomach gurgle loudly in approval.

"I am glad someone seems excited, tell your stomach I appreciate the enthusiasm"

"It's yelling at you to get out of my kitchen." You replied, failing miserably to hide just how embarrassed you really were. Jin smiled knowingly deciding not to  point out the warmth emitting from your body. You were so adorable sitting there, pink bunny slippers dangling precariously off your feet, your shirt was slightly crumpled with coils escaping from your bun.

"I see you like learning languages." He nodded towards your bookshelf.

"Ah, that." You mumbled, "Yeah I like learning them...not really a good student though." You let out a breathy laugh as you remembered all the languages you had quit halfway.

"Any good at Korean?" He asked referring the fact that Korean language books dominated the space.

"I try?"

"당신은?" He replied causing you to blink in
(You do?" )
surprise as you realised that he was speaking pretty fluently. Jin did present as an East Asian never considered guessing where he was from since he was a god, but perhaps, there was a possibility he decided to be a Korean man.

"내 한국인은 그리 솧치 않습니다. 나는 극것에 노 욕하고 있습니다" (My Korean isn't very good. I am in working on it) You tried, dragging out each syllable as you trying to accurately string together a sentence.

"나에게 좋은 소리" ( sounds good to me) he told you enthusiastically.

A man full of surprises, what was not to love? Well, he was a  man full of surprises and secrets.

"You're a better house guest than Jungkook at least."
You swung your legs as the words thoughtlessly left your mouth.

"Jungkook?" Jin asked not looking up.

You paused realising your mistake wishing you could take everything back. Jin didn't bother looking up, despite that, something in his demeanour had changed. Wordlessly, he somehow urged you to finish.

"Y-yeah we bumped into each other he came back here and... well...I-" you choked out.

A perfect eyebrow rose into his fringe as a lopsided smile grew on his lips. Not exactly the reaction you were expecting. It was, however, better than him losing his shit.

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