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Dear reader,

You've come across a collection of poems meant to uplift, give life and mend a broken spirit.

This book offers a sanctuary to those going through rough times, or simply are wandering aimlessly, seemingly already tired or lost.

Inside this, may you find some sort of consolation and comfort. May this be your oasis in the desert, a gentle breeze on a hot summer day, a glimmer of light
in your dark, lonely room.

May it serve the purpose for which it was made.

My sincere gratitude to you, my fellow traveller in this journey called life, for taking the time to read.

And I want to tell you, surely we can make it through life, U and I.

You are loved.


*Special thanks to @MikayMPB & Tisha_10for voting for all the poems here, do check out their works if you have time*

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