July 25th 2016: One Step Closer- All down hill

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        Mom: "Hi honey! I hate to bother you, but please come home as soon as you can. I need to talk you."

      "Uhm, okay?" I said giving my phone a questioning look. I said texting with one hand considering the other hand is a little busy.

      "What's up babe?" Connor asked me. I gave him a delayed answer as I was texting my mom back:

Me: "I am coming home now. But, Connor is with me. Can he come with me or should I drop him off?"

      I sent the message and looked at Connor. "My mom wants me home for some reason." I told him. My phone went off:

Mom: "He come by if you guys want. Just no one else."

      I replied to her:

Me: "Okay, I am just leaving the studio now, with Connor, so we will be home in about 40 minutes."

      I sent that message and got into the car.

      It was about 40 minutes later and we were still on the road. I could still see the record building in the rearview mirror...

      Damn LA traffic...

      I picked my phone up, again, and texted my mom:

Me: "Hi mom. I am sorry that I am not home yet. We are stuck in major traffic on the park way."

      I sent the message and sighed in frustration. I looked at the clock in Connor's car. 4:50 p.m.

      About 20 minutes later and we have been in the car for an hour. "FINALLY!!!" I yelled as we finally started to move... 15 feet.

      "COME ON!!!!" Connor yelled as sat in a stand-still traffic. I text my mom that we were still stuck in traffic on high way 37.

      We were in the car for about 2 and a half hours when we finally pulled into my driveway.

      "Thank god!!!" I said shutting Connor's car door as I got out.

      "I know... That was absolutely horrible. It took us almost two and a half hours to drive like 40 minutes. 

      "Gotta love LA!" I said. We both chuckled and walked into my house. "Hey mama!" I yelled in the foyer over the sound of the front door closing.

      "Hey honey!" My mom said sounding like she was in the kitchen. I looked at her. We saw her walk into the living room from the bottom of the foyer stairs.

      "Come sit down you guys..." She said sounding kind of upset. We walked up the stairs and my heart felt like it was racing. Connor and I sat down next on the sofa across from her. "Alright... I don't know how to tell you guys this, well mostly Sydney..." She began.

      I hate stories that start like this...

      "I have good news and bad news.. So you obviously know that we moved from New Jersey and to LA because of my job working for the Sony Record Company..."

      "Yeah?" I said thinking that I knew where she was going with this, but my heart stopped anyway.

      "So, I am doing really well with it and I really love my job and my boss gave me a promotion..." She said.      

      "Oh my god, mom!! That's awesome!!" I told her feeling like I should jump and hug her, but I held myself back.

      "But..." She continued. I saw that her eyes started to water... "They want me to Santa Barbra, California..." She said letting a tear loose down her cheek.

      "WHAT?!!" I said. My heart sank inn the matter of seconds.

      "Yeah... They want me to move to Berkley..." She said.

      "But that is like 2 hours away." I said knowing that it could be worse. "we can be moving again..." I told her. Connor was squeezing my right hand as my eyes started to water..

      "I know..."

      "What about my friends? And my careers? And Connor?" I said with water in my eyes.

      "I know honey... I know." She said walking over to me.

      "Well, I guess this is a good time to tell you... What do you think about me moving in to my own place?" I asked her. I was set back for a minute.

      "What?" She said. "You would really want to move out?

      "I mean, mom, think about it. I have two jobs now and now I am living my dreams. Plus, I am 18; I am an adult. Most people my don't have a professional job right out of high school like I do. I was lucky enough."

      "I know, baby, but" She said.

      "I feel like you should trust me enough. You have to let you baby fly." I broke to her. "I love you and did everything for me was amazing- And now I gotta put these skills to the test."

      "I know and you're my youngest baby and its hard for me let you out on your own." She said from he couch across from Connor and me. "But, you're right... I have to let you fly even though it hurts. You are going are supporting yourself now. So, if you find a good apartment and know that you will be happy there, then yes. You my get your own apartment." My jaw dropped in complete shock. Not because I was happy that she said yes, but because...

      I was SHOCKED that she said yes...

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