July 24 2016: Nothing But The Studio

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8:30 a.m. Only four and half hours of sleep. I woke up to my phone ringing... LOUD. "Huh?" I said jutting awake.

"What's going on?" Connor waking up with me.

"Ugh..." I said taking my phone of the nightstand. "It's Libby" I said to him. "I'm sorry, honey."

"Who the hell is Libby?" Connor asked. "And why is she calling you at 8:30 in the morning?"

"I don't know..." I said answering the phone.

Me: "Hello?"

Libby: "Hey, it's me. Could you make it down to the studio by 11:30? I didn't know that you were performing at the YouTube convention thing and I want to sell a CD of covers."

Me: "This is kind of last minute..."

Libby: "I know, but if I had know earlier that you were performing at the YouTube get together event, place, thing, then I would have had you start this earlier. And to make it easier, I saw some of your covers on YouTube and there pretty good, so we can take that audio and us that. And there are enough to make at least half the cover album."

Me: "Ugh, then could my boyfriend at least come? He's my ride right now and I can't get there with out him."

I looked at him and gave him a half-ish smile.

Libby: "Yeah, yeah... Anybody can come. I just need you to get the hell down here."

Me: "Ugh... Fine..."

Libby: "Thank you. See you soon."

I hung up the phone. And look at Connor like I was in deep, deep shit. "So, wanna go and see how a music studio works?" I said with an 'uh-oh' face.

"Ugh... Babe..." He said.

"I know, I know. But she wants me to sell an album of covers at VidCon along with some of my other merch, so I have to.

"Ugh, fine. But I get to pick what we do tonight." Connor said.

I went up to him and kiss him. "Yay. Thank you baby. Okay, we have about two hours. So I am going to hit the gym and then we can shower at my place."

Connor looked at me. "I can't go to the gym?" He asked.

"Of course, I just didn't know if you wanted to." I said.

"Hell yeah, lets go." I said trying to pull him up.

"But first, five more minutes..." Connor said laying back down.

"Come on babe." I said. "Do you want to go the gym or not?" I asked trying to pull my boyfriend up and out of probably the most comfortable bed that I have ever slept in.

"Alright, alright. I'm up, I'm up." He said getting up in just boxers.

If I wasn't used to this... Then I would have fainted. Right here. Right now.

"Alright. I'll make the bad and pick out clothes for you. You go and get changed into gym clothes."

He kissed me. "Alright. Alright. No time or kissin. We gotta go!" I said.

"Oh my god..." He said.

"I love you. I love you so much." I said

"Love you too, but you're inane." He told me. I rolled my eyes. "Go get dressed." I laughed. He left with his clothes and went to get dressed. "Alright." I said to my self. "Time to make this bed." I made the bed really quick and went right over to his closet after checking the weather on my phone. 75 degrees and sunny. "Okay, he's going to wear this... And this. I folded them on his bed with a pair sandal. "I picked your clothes out for me.

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