June 7th 2016: A new Chapter

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It was about 7:50 when I woke up on July 7th, 2014. I woke up happy thinking that it was a dream that my mom trusted me to go to Minnesota with Connor. It was like a dream come true, and immediately I felt my chest for the necklace, at was there and I grasped the heart in my hands with a smile on my face.

I sat up and reached for my phone which was charging next to my bed. I scrolled threw my notification. A lot of them was from social media. There was only two texts though, one from Connor and one from Riley. And then I went passed an notification from twitter. It was a tweet from @ConnorFranta:

@ConnorFranta: I have a BIG announcement coming tomorrow. Please stay tuned.

And then I looked at the day...

I knew the announcement was and it was not a fun one... I felt m eyes starting to water. I tried to hold my tears back. I texted Connor to see if he was up:

Me: "Hey honey."

I got up and made my bed and got ready to go the gym, I grabbed my keys, my phone, and my bag and left house with a bottle of water in my hand. I didn't bother to text my mom because it was only about 8:15.

I got in my car and I started it. Before I left the driveway, I took to twitter.

@SydneyKutzin97: I don't know why I am going to the gym at 8:17 in the morning... Oh well!

As I pulled into the gym at about 8:25, I got a message:

Connor: "Hey baby. How are you?"

Me: "I'm fine. Everything alright?"

Connor: "Kind of. Anyway, Turn Around"

I turned around to see Connor across the street from me dressed in gym clothes. He was crossing the street with his keys, water, and his phone in his hands. He walked up to me.

"Hey you." I said to him. I kissed him.

"Can't sleep either?" He asked me.

"Nope." I said..

"Great minds think a like?" I asked him.

"Yup." He said. We walked into the gym and signed in.

It was about an hour later and we left the gym. He walked me to my car. "So, keep in touch?" I asked him.

"Yeah, we can get together soon." He said.

"I'd like that." I smiled. He kissed me and opened my door for me. "Thanks, babe." I said. H kissed my cheek and left for his car. I waited until I saw him before I pulled out.

About ten minutes later I got home. I locked my car and unlocked the door. I went to the kitchen to find my mom. "Hey mama. You're up early." She smiled.

"Hey honey. Where did you go?" She asked me.

"Oh, just the gym." I told her. "And it was funny, Connor just happened to be there at the same time as me." I told her.

"Haha, that is funny." She said. "Oh honey, I am going out tonight with Debby, so don't wait up."

"Cool." I said to her sitting down with a bottle of water and an apple.

"Oh, when do you leave for Minnesota?" She asked me.

"Uhm, I leave early on the sixteenth. I think at about 9 or 10." I told her.

"Okay, thanks." She said.

I finished my apple and went upstairs and into my room. I sat down on my computer and went on twitter:

@SydneyKutzin97: Just got back from the gym with @ConnorFranta. I guess that's what I get for have a trackstar for a boyfriend #JustKeepRunning <3

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