Micheal focused on the scent of Adrian's hoodie and the textures of the fidget cube. "When did you make this?"

"My old therapist made it for me actually," Ryan said, "Shortly after I got put in the system. Do you have an estimate of how long you've been out of it?"

"Maybe since texting the group chat last night," Micheal said, not really looking at Ryan but instead focusing on the small cube in his hands. 

Ryan nodded gently, "What did you remember?"

"Why do you want to know?"

"I want to understand you better. I'll tell you some about what I know about my childhood."

"It wasn't much... I heard a door open and told Leanna to go upstairs, she was young. My parents walked in... but they were high... or maybe drunk. I was hit... my hair was pulled..." 

Ryan gently rubbed Micheal's arm, a comforting motion. "My mom never hurt me. She didn't stop it though, she left a lot. My dad would try to beat her... I didn't want my mama hurt so I got in the way a lot." 

"Even when that young you were protective," Micheal said, looking at Ryan. "That's so sweet."

"You always have been too." Micheal nodded and clearly had started to come back to the forefront of his mind, and Ryan smiled softly. "Feeling better?" Ryan asked.

Micheal nodded, "Much better." 

"Wanna go back to your boyfriends?"

"One is my fiance actually," Micheal said, "but... yeah." Ryan stood up and carefully helped Micheal up. 

"Keep the fidget cube by the way," Ryan said.

Micheal paused, "Are you sure Ry?"

"Absolutely," Ryan said, "it never helped me much. I have other stim toys for myself so keep that one." 

"Thanks Ry..." 

"You're welcome. Come on, let's go on in," Ryan said, pulling his bag onto his shoulders. The two walked back in and the other's seemed slightly surprised that Ryan managed to pull Micheal back to his mind. It didn't fix everything, Micheal was still clearly uncomfortable with what he remembered and didn't quite want to talk about it still. Micheal sat down between Adrian and Braxton again. 

Salem looked at Ryan, "You're more of a witch than I am."

"I just did what I had wished someone did for me when I first dissociated," Ryan said, "He might dissociate more... especially if he has flashbacks more often..."

Braxton looked at Ryan, "Later on you need to teach us what to do, for both you and Mike... We care about you guys." Micheal smiled, his head resting on Braxton's shoulder, and holding Adrian's hand. Jaxson was doing something on his phone, and whenever Levi caught sight of what Jaxson was doing he snickered. 

Lucas looked at Jaxson and Levi, "What are you two doing?" 

Jaxson jumped and hid his phone quickly, "Absolutely nothing."

"Your phone was pointed at Addy, Brax, and Mike and you were doing nothing?" Maddox asked. "Bullshit show me." Jaxson showed his phone to Maddox and then whispered something. "Oh, guys. Seriously, don't worry about it. He is planning something, yes. But it's actually good and not arson for once. Let him be." 

"Fine," Lucas said, "You better tell me later though Jaxson Reed."

"What is with you and last names Luc?" Braxton asked, "Why do that?"

Lucas shrugged some, "It unnerves you all and I enjoy that."

"My last name just makes me seem even more like a faery, go ahead Lucy. Do it," Salem said. 

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