Part 9.

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"Hey baby wake up" Lucas voice came in a soft tone I saw the bright sun beaming through the curtains, and I sat up I looked around then down "why the hell are you in pans bed?" Lucas asked "you tell me cause I was thinking the same" and at this moment pan burst in "come on get up and you get out" he says and Lucas leave "what? Explain please" I asked "oh you don't remember" he said I shook my head "we made passionate love all night, I'll just say I do Love the sounds of you moaning under me" he said laughing I suddenly looked very shocked "I'm joking no you drifted off so I put you there it's warmer"he said and I only for a moment saw the old peter in there, "well thanks" I said and rubbed my eyes "Yh wouldn't want my little piece of ass dying now" he says "don't call me that it's so patronising " I say "umm patronising.. nice word maybe you were actually growing up"

"Whatever " I said "um" he sighed as he walked out "well that was interesting wasn't it?" Lucas said "Yh it was" I say skeptically and stare at the door " he was being unusually nice" lucas says "and a usual dick" I add on, through I still wonder about why he left me in his bed, I panicked and lifted the covers up 'oh thank god my clothes are still on' I think before standing up and stretching, 'ahh' 'morning' Lucas walks out of my room with my clothes "here" he says handing me them and walking towards the door, "please come down for food" he finally says.

I pull on the jeans with great effort and rangle my hair into a plain braid, "fuck me" I whisper as I leave The room, the boys are as usual sat at the table eating hungrily and pan is relaxed at the head with his signature green apple, "morning love here" he threw the apple to me, "thanks" I said and threw it back "but I'm good".

After food the boys scattered to do various jobs, I had nothing proper to be doing so I made my way back to the kitchen and looked in the pantry, barley anything good, I'd noticed Bailey walk into pans 'office' ( a small room pan's claimed as his own) a while ago and still hadn't come out though there had been no shouting or banging, maybe pan was capable of having a simple civilised conversation.

A few hours had passed if spoke to the boys, eaten, sown, cooked, cleaned, fought, argued.

Bailey finally walked out of pans 'study' I walked to the door and knocked "what?" He beckoned "it's me, Wendy can j come in?" I say trying to be nice "sure" he replied calmer and j entered surveying the room, it was small but beautiful the walls lined with bookshelves and old wooden oak designs, "oh wow" I muttered, pan was sat in his chair with his legs propped up on his desk, "you can look at those if you want" he said gesturing to the many books "well thank you" I said authentically I rushed over and started scanning the covers some covered in dust but still beautiful others look brand new, "so what's up?" Pan said "oh Um nothing really" I said "oh okay then I'll leave you then I'll be back in five don't touch anything"he says and leave.

I immediately start exploring and look in his desk, nothing to peculiar, pens, paper I look through the top two draws, and buried in the second one was a letter, it looked old and written on the envelope was "Wendy darling"

I ripped it open forgetting the consequences, a letter rest inside, it look worn and fragile I open it slowly to reveal its contents,

"Dear Wendy Darling,
It's me Peter, your Peter. It's been a few weeks Since you left, it's quieter I miss you and the boys, I went to neverland to avoid one thing, becoming a grown up, in your stories I'm infamous for refusing to grown up, however there's one thing I never knew about growing up, it was that some of the best things come from accepting adulthood, the main one being love, I told you my darling I'd never love ever through I believe I lied, if you ever return you'll notice my maturity physically and mentally.

I leant to love and to lose both from you, so thank you I never knew what I missed until I met you, your the kindest most beautiful caring girl I've ever encountered and I'm over joyed that your happy.

I will always love you,
-Peter. Peter Pan. "

A single tear fell on the paper I stuffed it back into the envelope and left it on pan's desk and ran back to my room, I swung open the door and looked at the new items on my desk, paints, canvas and and some little equipment, I broke down crying I was so confused, I slowly fell asleep drifting off as my tears flooded from my eyes.

•it's going to hurt all over again• Peter Pan and Wendy darling fanficOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora