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PS :- Don't be too shocked when you read this chapter. Muah.

Glimpse of the past.

"This can't be true." She said and covered her stomach.




Three pregnancy test with the same result.

Tears fell from her eyes as realization dawned on her. She's pregnant in her second year of college. She's on scholarship which she wouldn't dream to give up.

She has no family members and now she doesn't know how her boyfriend is going to take the news.

"Jess." The voice snapped her out of her thoughts and she stuffed the test in the pocket of jean, she wiped her tears quickly and plastered a fake smile to to her face.

"In the bathroom." She shout and washed her face.

She took a towel to clean her face when the door opened.

"Hey babe." Ris circled his hands on her waist and placed a kiss on the arch of her neck.

"Hi." She placed the towel back to its place and turned in his arms feeling less pressure and less stressed when she sniffed him.

"How was your day, did you go to the hospital ?." He cupped her face and she could feel her eyes water but she got her self together and smiled.

"No, I was too tired to."

"You have been throwing up and you look so pale." He says in concern and took in her pale skin.

"It's just a stomach bug." She faked her smile and placed a light kiss on his lips.

Lies, lies. Her subconscious screamed at her.

"If you don't stop throwing up, I'll drag you to the hospital my self." He tell her and carried her bridal style.

She screamed in surprise and place her hand on her head, suddenly feeling dizzy.

"I bought dinner." He said and carried her to their room.

"Would you like to have kids someday ?." She asks suddenly.

"No, they are too nosy and annoying, they are not my thing." He says and roll his eyes.

"Oh." She says slowly and her heart shattered into million pieces and that was the beginning of her happy never after.

I scratch my hair for God knows how long as I wonder why I wake up in a shitty mood on Sunday morning.

Well I have the question to my change of mood and that's because I'll be going to the cemetery today.

I touch the silver locket on my neck and my eyes are filled with tears as they drop slowly.

While taking my bath my hand kept touching the scar on my stomach.

My Emily.

I buried my face in my hand and cried for loosing the only hope I have, I lost my love, my sanity, my baby girl.

My memories took me back to when I was pregnant and how I worked so hard so my baby won't starve, how I went into early and long labour and when Emily was born she wasn't breathing.

She was dead.

She died.

I finished bathing and dress my self in a simple blue gown with black coat and black sandals.

The moment I stepped into the cemetery, standing opposite my little girl's grave.

I felt useless all over again, if I had been more conscious. I should have noticed she stopped kicking, she wasn't that active yet I overlooked it.

"Hi baby." I swept the old flower off and placed a new one. I bite my lip shakily and took in a deep plong breath.

"How are you baby girl ?, did you meet my mom ?. I know you can't reply me but i know my mom would look over you for me."

"I miss you." I tried to blink the tears away but failed, instead they kept dropping on my cheek.

"I love you Emily, you are my sunshine baby girl,, no matter what. Even though you are not here with me, I still feel your presence every morning whenever I touch the scar on stomach, I know my mom is looking after you." I sniffle and wipe my tears.

"I wish I can hug you and kiss you and tell you how much I love you no matter the imposibilities, It felt like yesterday when I felt you kick. I love you my baby girl." I rubbed her burial ground and place a kiss on it.

I pressed my left hand on my eyes trying to stop my tears.

With a last look at my baby girl, I walked out of the cemetery.

I put my sunglass on and hugged my coat to my body as I walk to my car.

"Jess." I hear a familiar voice call my name and I shook my head as I kept walking.

There's no way he could be here.

"Jess." I hear that familiar voice again and I almost roll my eyes at my self.

I fish my key out of my pocket absent mindedly until I felt his touch.

"Jess." I hear his voice closely now and it all made sense to me, I wasn't imagining his voice.

He was here.

Ris is here.

Ris whom I once loved, Ris who put a smile on my face and wiped away my tears. He promised never to leave but it was all lies.

The memory of his lies still fresh In my brain turned to hate and disgust for him and I turned to face the man I used to know.

I turned to face Christian Lawrence who was Christian Henderson to me years back.

He also lied about his identity.

Please help me and point out any grammatical mistakes.

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