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"Are you telling me she hasn't woken up since last night and you are keeping her here."

"Calm down babe."

"Don't tell me to calm down Max."

"She got checked by our family doctor immediately I brought her here."

"And why didn't you go to the hospital."

"The police would get involved."

"Hmm, whatever."

"Relax babe, look she's fine."

"Yes she is she passed out from a panic attack, her body just need rest."

"What of the man who caused all this."

"He's been taking care of."

"Oh, hmm okay."

"Sorry, I'm not usually like this."

I blink again as I look at Ria trying to intimidate Chris but he's just looking at her cooly and Max is looking like a lost puppy.

They haven't even noticed that I'm awake.

"Ria that's enough." I say and she gasp.

"Oh my I was so scared." She hugs me as she cries.

"I'm sorry."

"It's not your fault, it's that bastard fault." She says and I stiffened.

I look at Chris and he comes forward to stand beside me with his hands in his pocket.

"Where is he ?."

"He's been taken care of." He says and I breath a sigh of relief.

"Are you okay here ?, would like to go with Max  and I."

"Yes, but I'm too tired to stand from the bed."

"Okay, I'll come back later in the day, I have to go for my doctor's appointment now."

"Okay." I nod.

"Take care of her." She eyes Christian and leaves and we're left alone in the room.

"I just got you back and someone is about to take you away." He sits beside me on the bed.

"What did you do to him ?."

"Don't worry, he should be dead by now."

"What." I shout and sit up.

"You killed him," I whisper.

"No, My dad and I gave him to the mafia who killed him."

"Your dad ?."

"Yes, he has more connection than me."


"Okay, when my bodyguards caught the man, he was highly sedated so we brought him here, chained him and locked him in a room. We saw his ID card and I called my father to ask for his help. We made a background research on him and found out he was once your guardian with a woman called Sara Loham his wife, when she died you eloped. The man digged further and recovered some images of you admitted in the hospital and your test result. Something was fishy because you have ran away for more than five years and he suddenly showed up at your home."

"We found out that his friend Dante was the man who helped you escape and he's in trouble. He had an affair with the Don's wife of the Russian mafia and got she her pregnant things were going smooth until she gave birth to a replica of Dante, a DNA test was done and she child wasn't the Don's."

"Oh my god, this is a lot to take in."

"I know right." He smiles.

"She confessed that the child was Dante's and the Don killed her immediately now Dante is the next target and a huge ransom has been placed on him. Being the greedy man James is he decided to sell his friend out, so when Dante found out he gave him your information for his safety. Your formal guardian James is the Russia mafia Don cousin, Janes killed the formal Don while his son was away so he could take his place but unfortunately for him things didn't go as planned so he had to fake his death to get them off his back."

"Since the Russian don men were already here, we got in touch with them and handed James to them James probably told them Dante's where about. My dad's old pal just confirmed that they are in Russia now and knowing the Russians they won't make it till tomorrow unless they decide to prolong their death by torturing them." He says and rub my cheek before placing a light kiss on my lips.

"Everything happened so fast."

"That's the mafia for you baby, no time to waste time."

"How long gave I been asleep."

"Hmmm 14 hours, the incident happened around nine and the time is...11:35am."

"Oooh, how did you know they were in my house." I look up at him.

"I was coming from a meeting and bought pizza on the way, I wanted to share it with you, I was about to knock when I noticed the door was broken." He says and I thank my star, I can't imagine going through my past again.

"Thank you, you saved my life." He nods and blink at me, he's probably thinking of something.

"Why did you leave ?."

"Oh that, because I know what a one night stand is don't worry I'm not cheap I jus..."

I didn't get to finish my sentence because Christian cups my cheeks and kissed me. I opened my mouth for more access and rub his neck.

"What part of "I'm going to make it up for you do you not understand." He kissed my forehead.

"I want to take this slow Chris."

"Okay babe, your wish is my command."

"Okay but Chris where are we ?."' I look around noticing my new surroundings. He barks a laugh as he give me a really look.

"You just realized, We're at my parents house."
He says and I sit up.

"Don't freak out." Only dad knows about this, mom only knows about our past."

"You told them." I blink at him.

"Yes love."

"When." I ask him and he lick his lip.

"Before I got married."

"Oh, so your sister knows."

"I told her today, she was too young to be exposed to all that back then, she confronted me accused me of cheating when I was married so I had to tell her.

"I have to leave your parents might not like me in their home."

I say and stand up when the door opens and Laine enters with the twins. She beams at me and wave and I wave back.

"Stop stressing yourself, they love you already."

"Bro, mom wants to meet Jess and she's on her way." She smiles cheekily.

"I told you all not to disturb us."

"Well tell her that." Laine shrugs and place one of the baby, Hazel on my chest urging me to carry her.

"That woman is stubborn ..."

The door opens and I see a tall and slim woman with green eyes enter, her skin looks smooth and soft and her face is perfectly sculpted. Christian mother is so beautiful and young she could pass as his sister. It's safe to say she aged backwards.

"You must be Jessica, ooh my you are beatiful." She hugs me and I smile at how warm her hug felt like.

"Mom please..."

"Leave her Son." A replica of Christian enters, the only difference is their black and white  hair colour."

"You must be Jess." He smiles at me.

"Yes sir, thank you for everything ." He stretched his hand and I shake him."

"Drop the formalities dear after all you are going to be my daughter in law."  She says and I gasp.

We just started dating again.

"Mom." Chris and Laine shouts and the same time and she winks at them.

I look at Chris talking to his mom while his dad and Laine are laughing at them, i think Chris mother is a prophetess because five years down the line I'm Jessica Anna Lawrence.

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