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"What is going on here ?." Doctor Xavier asks while I gape at Chris who is looking at me with wide eyes.

"Doctor Xavier...I..umm.thank you." I accept the flowers weakly and stood like a robot as he nods his head with a bright smile on his face.

"Dream of me love." He winks and I roll my eyes as he jogged to his car.

"Who is he ?." Christian asks but I ignore him.

"Your kids are in, you need to help your sister with your babies." I walk inside going to the kitchen to dispose the flowers in the bin but I put it in a vase instead because of Christian's presence.

"Thank you for accommodating us." Laine says as I enter the sitting room.

I put my hand on my head feeling dizzy at the sight of Christian cradling his children on his chest.

But he rejected our child.

Was I so unimportant.

So much lies.

Did he really loved me ?.

"We would be leaving." Laine says and I gave her a bright fake smile.

"Yeah, take care." I waved and raise my eyebrow when Christian opened his mouth to say something but bite his lip instead and I hate to admit that did something to my spine.

I hug my body tight as I go to lay on the couch, of all places in the world or even in this country. The only house Christian could buy is the one right next to mine, well not really mine.

The house is for Max, Maria fiancée. Maria started living in it when he told her to move in with him on their one year anniversary but she declined being the stubborn woman she is.

I can't blame her anyways, I'm not moving in with anyone that is not my husband. Experience is really the best teacher and perhaps, once bitten twice shy.

"Anna." Chris voice interrupts my thoughts.

"What the fuck." I jump from the couch and drop the duvet.

"Anna." He knocks again and I roll my eyes.

"What do you want Mr Henderson." I glare at the closed door with my hands folded in my chest.

"I just want to talk."

"You just." I gasp dramatically.


"You mean you want to feed me more lies."

"No, Anna please."

"Just leave, I'm not in the mood." I rub my forehead.

"Please give me a chance and if you don't want anything to do with me after today, I'll leave."

My mouth automatically curl downwards, an annoying habit of mind that I don't know how to change but it amuses my best friend and her brother.

I bite my lip as I tap my finger nail on my head,  this is an opportunity to get all the answers that I've been craving for. To ask him why he left me and our baby, why our love wasn't enough and most importantly why lied to me.

I walk to the door with a determined look on my face and open it.

"Come in." I open the door and I watch his chest as he realease his breath.

He enters and look at the house in approval.

Sorry pal, this is not my house.

"Nice apartment." He comments and tucks his hand in his pocket.

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