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It didn't take long for the group to become close. Arcane had noticed that his power had begun diminishing and it made him wonder if he was losing it because another mushokuryuu was born or if he was just getting weak. Either way, he didn't tell anyone how he was beginning to feel and his gradual loss of power wasn't being noticed by anyone either so he didn't plan to bring it up until it was either brought up by someone or until it was extremely obvious to him that it was going to become difficult to fight.

But it also didn't take long before Arcane was resorting to his blind rage.

The fourth time he used it was during the Nadai drug incident and the fifth was during a battle months later, but that time, just as the book had said, no one could bring him back.

"Arcane," Yona called out she was alone with the red eyed, red scaled colourless dragon. Arcane slumped forward slightly, his giant blades scraping off the floor as he tossed himself back and let out a loud shout. Around him were dozens of bodies of the fire tribe soldiers that'd come after him and the crimson haired princess and there were still more surrounding them but still keeping a distance, arrows trained on the two.

"Arcane!" Yona shouted to him as he looked up into the sky and let out a deep breath.

"It's been a while since I felt such fury," Arcane's voice came out deeper and more ragged than it should've been. His breathing was like a feral animals and his mouth was large and revealed the fangs that the dragon warriors adorned.

"Arcane please calm down!" Yona shouted, she began to walk forward but Arcane spun around to face her, the blades now up in the air and hovering over her dangerously, "please, Arcane, don't spill unnecessary blood! Please!"

"Who're you to tell me what to do?!" Arcane roared before starting his advancement towards her.

"I am your friend, Arcane!" Yona shouted, "I don't want you to get hurt, please just calm down!"

His gaze gained a hateful glare, something Yona didn't expect to see.

At this time she was wondering why the others weren't around, where were they?

"This is my fault," Yona muttered, "you're like this because you were overwhelmed... I'm so sorry, Arcane."

Something in the red headed boy seemed to soften at her words but he still got ready to attack her. He couldn't see who it was that was that he was talking to but he did feel like he knew the person. But that, to him in this rage, wasn't enough to differentiate Yona from friend or foe.

"Die," Arcane growled before swinging his hand up and then cutting it down, Yona stared at him wide eyed before throwing her arms up, getting ready for the attack, however, a certain green haired man came flying in between the two and knocked Arcane's blades away from the crimson haired princess.

"Arcane, knock it off, idiot," Jae-ha shouted as the others made their way through the fire tribe ring who'd stopped aiming their arrows, obviously confused why allies were fighting against allies, "I don't want to fulfil my promise!"

Arcane and Jae-ha exchanged blows, Jae-ha gaining cut after cut on his body as he tried to block Arcane's attacks and pull him away from Yona and the rest of the group.

"He's at his limit," Zeno shook his head, Jae-ha, now very aware that he was from the time of the original dragon warriors, glanced back for Zeno's opinion on what he should do, "Arcane is at his fifth strike! He won't be able to be brought back!"

"No! Jae-ha! Don't kill him!" Yona shouted as she was being held back by Hak and Kija. When Jae-ha grabbed Shin-ah's sword, Shin-ah pulled his mask off and wrapped it around Yona's face, blocking her from seeing what was happening while also keeping his own eyes shut.

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