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A couple days passed and I was finally allowed to move around.

"Dude you're like a real pirate now," Travis laughed as he looked at my new addition to my already ridiculous looking appearance. I had an eye patch over my left eye which I was now blind in thanks to Branton.

"Ha. Ha. Very funny," I rolled my eyes.

It was the stupid brothers who decided it'd be great if I wore the stupid eye patch. They seemed to find it more amusing that the carving on the stupid thing looked like a dragon and ran away before I could even put a word in.

"Arcane!" Yona called, she and the rest were waiting at the edge of the ship, "We're leaving now."

I nodded and turned to walk over to them, I was stopped by Trent who pulled his hat off and pushed it down on my head.

"Be safe, kid," he told me, "keep that as a token to remember us by. It'll also help hide those ears of yours."

"Now I definitely look like a swept up pirate," I sighed before nodding and thanking him.

A and Irene both waved to me, the brothers did as well and Esta barely even acknowledged my leaving. Nothing new there.

Tennant and Aswin (both holding Read up) shouted me a good luck before dragging the drunk man below deck as he sung out some drunken tune.

Iris looked away, not really caring and then disappeared off to only god knows where.

"Hey, good luck, Arcane," Travis called, "if we meet again, let's have a little fun, yeah?"

"Sure," I nodded as we bumped our fists together and I turned and walked away, adjusting the hat on my head so it wasn't totally crushing my ears.

I walked off the ship with the dragons, Hak, Yoon and Yona and walked through Anchorage Piers.

"Hey," I spoke up and everyone looked at me, "if we aren't in any immediate danger or a hurry... Do you mind if we go to my village?"

My hand patted my bag where my parents pendants were. Yona must've noticed and nodded.

"Sure," she smiled, "lead the way, Arcane."

I grinned and nodded.

"Thank you!"

Three weeks of walking later_

"Jeez-- are we almost there?" Yoon complained.

"Almost," I called back at him as we reached the forests on the outskirts of my village, "just past this forest and...then we'll be there."

We continued walking forward, it took around twenty minutes to get through the forest and to the entrance to my village. I stopped when I saw the houses and the people.

It's been so long... It looks that same.

Someone grabbed my hand and gave it a squeeze, I looked to see it was Yona.

"Let's go, shall we?" she smiled, I nodded and pulled my hand away before walking out.

Everyone paused working and looked in our direction.

I took a deep breath in before I stopped walking and took my hat off.

"Everyone, its me, Arcane," I announced, "I'm home!"

"Arcane?" a voice piped up in the deathly silence, then a mess of identical red hair to mine popped up and then a boy with a giant grin on his face ran out.

"Those ears! It's no doubt about it," he exclaimed, "Arc! You've been gone for so long, idiot!"

"Is that you, Shi-Zen?" I asked, he nodded, "damn. You got ugly."

"What the hell man?! I'm very handsome I'll have you know," he huffed before smiling and grabbing me, "where are your folks? Who're these people? What's with the eye patch? What the hell have you been doing?"

Everyone in the village were now crowding in the area and my uncle walked forward, pulling Shi-Zen back.

"Oi-- calm your butt down," uncle told him before looking at me, his eyes seemed to take in every piece of my appearance.

"This is tense," I heard Yoon whisper to someone behind me.

I opened my bag and pulled out my parents pendants before looking at my uncle sadly.

"Uncle...mum and dad..." my voice cracked as I passed him the pendants, not able to form my words past those. He got the message and dropped to his knees as he held onto them tightly, pulling them to his chest.

The rest of the village also heard and some people broke out in tears while others just stared on sadly.

"I'm sorry, uncle," I whispered, he dragged me down into a hug and let out a long hum.

"It's not your fault, Arcane," he told me, "I'm just glad that you're alive and... Thank you for bringing me these back... You brought my little brother and his wife home even if it wasn't physically."

I tightened my grip on him and nodded.

He backed up and looked at me.

"Now. Tell me. What's with the pirate style?" he asked.

I chuckled nervously.

"That's... A long story," I smiled.

"Well you can tell me over a feast," he told me as he stood up and spoke to everyone, "today we celebrate the return of Arcane and his parents and welcome to our home Arcane's friends. Prepare for a feast!"

The whole village cheered as uncle looked to me and everyone with me.

"Come. We'll get you somewhere to say," he told me, "I'd let you go to your home but it'll be totally overrun by dust and insects."

"I-insects?" Kija froze up at the word and I laughed.

"Wow. An almighty dragon warrior can be bested by a bug?" I teased.

"S-shut up!" he shouted.

I noticed uncle gazing the the group curiously as we followed him but then he faced forward and didn't respond to my curious gaze.

Wonder what that was about.

The Dragon's Pirate Warrior | oc insertWhere stories live. Discover now