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Snarling, I stand at the ready to fight, Yona stood behind me just as I told her to. It's not like she had anything to fight with.

Actually... Now that I look around... This house has nothing we could use as a weapon. No knives, no sticks or anything. Just a table, two chairs and the bedrooms. There's not even a single ceramic plate or bowl. Everything is wooden.

"What's going on, Keil?" Yona asked from behind me, her voice shook slightly. I glanced back to see a look of betrayal on her face.

"They want to sacrifice us," I told her.

"To who? The Colourless Dragon?" she asked.

"Exactly," Keil replied, "We're going to sacrifice you to our saviour!"

"You're mad!" I exclaimed before throwing my hands out in front of me.

"What? You're going to fight with your firsts against swords?" he asked, "dear dragon warrior, we expected so much more from you... The descents of our saviour."

"You have no idea what you're talking about," I glared as I willed my blades to grow from my knuckles.

I winced slightly, I've not gotten used to that pain yet, it hurts only for a moment but it's enough to make me never want to pull them out again.

"Your...hands..." Yona stared at my knuckles, I just smiled at her before lunging forward.

Swinging my hand up and slashing it down, it meets the metal of Keil's sword and the sound of metal scraping against each other filled the room as I pushed my blades against his sword in hopes he'd lose balance or something.

But then I remembered.

He's the Protector of the village!

This isn't going to be easy.

Swinging my leg up, I manage to kick him and quickly turned to Yona.

Running over to her, I sweep her up into my arms and throw us through a window, shielding her with my own body before running through the village.

People shouted after us as they followed in pursuit.

"Yona, do me a favour and blow my whistle please," I told her as I leaned down and bit the string of the whistle around my neck and forced it over the top of my cloak. She looked at me questionably.

"I thought we were still out of range," she exclaimed.

"That we are," I nodded, "but there's still a 1% chance that Apollo may be flying around. If he is... Then he'll pick up on the sound and lead the ship to us. Until then, just blow the goddamn whistle like your life depends on it. Don't stop, no matter what."

"Right," she nodded before pulling my whistle over my head and taking it off my neck before blowing into it, she pulled it away with a frown, "there was no sound."

"It's a sound only birds lime Apollo can hear," I told her, "never mind that. Keep doing it!"

She nodded and kept blowing the whistle while I ran and carried her, avoiding arrows and spears that came flying in out direction.

Where should I go?

The mountains? The cave? The beach? I don't know where I should go!

Where do I go?!

"Arcane, listen to me," dad placed his hands on my shoulders and gave me a serious look, "when the going gets rough, take a moment. Breathe. Clear your mind. Calm yourself down. Keep a level head and think properly. Make sure you take in all the surroundings layout and think: where? Remember to factor in the three main strategy points: landscape, people, time."

Weird time for a flash back but thanks a ton dad.

Landscape. People. Time.

But first: clear my mind!

I closed my eyes but kept running. It took a bit but I managed to clear my mind of all my panic and frustration.

Now... The landscape, I don't know it well, these guys do, they have the advantage but there's the beach to the east, the cave and mountains to the west. To the south is the village and to the north is a jungle like forest.

The people, they've grown up here, they're used to this place. Their morals are high too. They'll be relentless and with them having advantage over the landscape like they do, it'll be hard to escape from them.

The time. Right now I'd say it's about mid afternoon. The beach isn't an idea place to go, the tide will probably be in. I can't return to the village for obvious reasons. Going to the cave would be like sealing us in our own graves. The mountains could be a good idea but getting down and to the beach without being caught again will be almost impossible.

Alright. The forest it it.

Time to use the bushes and overgrown shrubbery to my advantage.

"Sorry, Yona, just hold on, I'm going to jump," I warned her before I stepped on a rather large log and pushed off, jumping up into the air and propelling myself deep into the forest and out of sight.

Once I was sure we were safe...ish... I placed Yona down and we began walking side by side.

"So they wanted to kill us this whole time?" Yona whispered, "that's saddening to know."

I smiled and patted her head.

"Don't worry too much about it," I told her, "I'm here. I'm your tool, your weapon. You're a member of my crew, thus you're part of my family, I don't let my family or my crew die anymore. I swear that I'll keep you safe, just promise you'll keep fighting to live."

"I will," she nodded with a thankful look on her face.

"Now, keep blowing that whistle," I told her, she nodded and started blowing the whistle while I kept a close eye and kept my ears sharpened for any sudden changes.

The Dragon's Pirate Warrior | oc insertWhere stories live. Discover now