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A couple hours later, noise seemed to fill the ship before the door to the room I was in was thrown open and Yona and the rest of her group came bursting in.

At this point I was leaning against the head of the bed and just stared at them until Zeno stepped forward and suddenly all the emotions from my dream resurfaced and I found myself crying for no reason.

"O-oh? Arcane?!" Yona panicked, well, most of them panicked, not expecting me to cry, "What's the matter?!"

"Are your wounds hurting you that much?!" Kija asked.

"N..no," I shook my head, "I just-- well-- uh..."

What a great time for me to forget how communication works... Not!

I rubbed my tears away and then rubbed my temples as I felt a headache coming on.

That dream.

It's so fresh in my mind.

Why was Zeno in it?

"Can I... Speak with Zeno alone please?" I requested, everyone shared confused looks before looking to Zeno. Zeno was staring at me with a look that told me he knew exactly what I was going to talk about and then he ushered everyone out before taking a seat on the end of the bed, crossing his legs and giving me a small smile.

"How're you feeling?" he asked.

"Fine but..." I looked down at my hands now folded in front of me on my lap, "I need to know. Who is... Sho... Shu-Ten, Gu-En and Abi?"

His eyes widened before he nodded.

"They were the original dragon warriors along with myself," he replied, I nodded.

"That must make you ancient or something," I muttered, "what the heck?"

He shot me an amused look before sighing.

"What is it that you've seen or remembered, Arcane?" he asked me seriously.

Wow. He used my name?

"I think I saw Sho's death," I told him, "Shu-Ten pierced him with his spear and..."

I couldn't finish my sentence as I found myself holding the spot where the spear had been so vividly pushed in through my dream.

A weird pain shot through me as I recalled the dream.

Zeno nodded.

"That was when Sho, the original Colourless Dragon died," he commented, "he'd lost control and no one could bring him back so... Shu-Ten fulfilled a promise that he'd apparently been tricked into making by Sho. That was to kill him if he was too far gone and... That's what happened."

I stared at him before nodding.

I guessed that that was the case.

"Being Mushokuryuu seems to be a curse," he muttered, "I think it may be the worst of all of the dragon powers... But I heard green dragon and colourless dragon speaking two days ago."

Two days? Is that how long I'd been sleeping.

"It seems that even now, the Mushokuryuu is destined to die by the Ryokuryuu's hands," he looked down sadly, "fate is cruel."

"Yeah but only if I become too far gone," I smiled though I instantly dropped my smile as I remembered the dream, "were you close to Sho?You seemed to be the saddest of everyone in my dream."

"Ah... Well yes," he nodded, "he and I were the same age so we naturally stuck together a lot. Gu-En was 24, Abi was 18 and Shu-Ten was 19... Not to mention I, as the yellow dragon, wasn't really accepted to begin with by the others but Sho welcomed me warmly so that kept us close. He didn't really care about the dragon blood, he didn't have a family either so he instantly considered us dragons his brothers, even the King which made us all very amused, but still we accepted it. You could imagine it as he was the foundation that kept our relationships steady and kept anyone from resenting each other."

Sounds like a weird guy...

"He didn't even reach his 18th birthday before he died," Zeno continued, "that day... We lost someone really precious to us. He wasn't one to be closed off or reserved. He smiled all the time and taught me to keep smiling even through the pain, it can help others keep smiling too and bring happiness and light to those around. I admired him for being able to smile even when he was dying..."

He took a sharp inhale and then sighed.

"After his death, the other dragons accepted me properly, we stuck together and our bonds became like iron until we all split up after the Kings death," he told me, "honestly, I'm glad Sho wasn't around for his death because out of the five of us, Sho was the closest to him. Probably because he didn't care about titles or social statuses. He always went against that and was extremely friendly to everyone. We'd never seen him angry until the first time he somehow fell into his full power. After that his light dimmed slightly because he injured Shu-Ten and Gu-En in their attempts to try and stop him. But that was also the beginning to us seeing his anger more and more. Every battle that passed he fell into that blind rage more and more until eventually we couldn't pull him out of it and... Well you know what happened."

I nodded.

"Arcane," Zeno grabbed my hands and looked at me seriously, "you can't rely on that power...or you'll end up just like Sho did and I don't want to see the Mushokuryuu and Ryokuryuu fates intertwine that way again."

I smiled and squeezed his hands.

"I'll try my best not to, Zeno," I told him, "thanks for telling me."

He nodded and let go of my hands before standing and going to leave.

"Oh by the way, Captain Branton is still alive...barely. You can leave the ship whenever you want, Trent won't allow him to stop you again," his cheerful nature returned, "Zeno and the other dragons all made sure of it."

I smiled and nodded.


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