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Travis' PoV

"Are we getting anywhere?" Kija asked.

"Yeah," I nodded, "an island that's uninhabited by any actually people so we won't have to worry about the two of them being in any serious danger, even if they were, Arcane would literally die before allowing a shipmate to get hurt or even killed. He's just like that."

"But we're not a member of your crew," Hak frowned.

"In Arcane's eyes you are, even if just temporary," I replied with a frown, "it's irritating but it's the truth. Be lucky he is viewing you that way or he'd definitely just leave the girl to die in the middle of the sea."

I pointed to a very faint outline of an island.

"That's the place," I told them, "it should take us the rest of the day to reach there. We should reach the shores at sundown."

"Well then stop yapping and get moving!" Branton shouted.

"Yes, captain!" we all shouted before running off to the sides.

Arcane please be careful, there may be no humans on that island but there are a lot of dangerous animals.

Arcane's PoV

A loud growl ripped through the trees.

Crap. Forgot about the animals in here.

"What was that?" Yona asked.

"Stay behind me, princess," I told her, "the animals in this area must've noticed we are here."

"Animals?" she repeated, looking around in a slight panic.

"Don't worry," I told her as I turned away from her.

"What're you going to do?" she asked, "we have no weapons!"

"I told you already," I looked over my shoulder, "I'm your weapon, therefore, you do have a weapon. A strong one at that."

The amber eyes of a tiger peeked through the bushes and I let out an irritated breath before making my blades grow from my knuckles and throwing my hands out with a deathly glare.

"You chose the wrong day to wrestle with me," I growled as the tiger stepped out of the bushes, "I'm in a really bad mood today."

The tiger let out a low growl.

"Stay behind me at all times," I told Yona before lunging forward, meeting the tiger in the centre. I slashed at it at a not so visible speed and cutting the tiger up, I backed up again just as another one walked out. 

Yona's PoV

So that's his power?

Arcane lunged forward and carved up the new tiger as one jumped out of the trees and went after him, he spun around and threw one of his hands up, the blades ripping straight through its flesh and then he threw the animal to the side before spinning around and slicing at the next tiger and the next.

I watched as he fought tiger after tiger for the next five minutes, but he didn't even seem to be even remotely tired when he finally got a moment of breath.

"What're you doing?" he looked at me, "keep blowing the whistle!"

Suddenly an arrow came flying out of the trees, his eyes snapped from mine and to the arrow just as it landed in his shoulder. Letting out a loud and irritated groan, he turned and grabbed me, throwing me over his shoulder before sprinting forward and running through the forest.

"Arcane--" I started to shout.

"Keep quiet! Don't open your mouth or attempt to talk or you'll bite your tongue off," he shouted at me before jumping and spinning around, he skidded heels first as he landed and knocked away the barrage of arrows and spears that were being thrown at us before turning again and sprinting forward, "where's the ocean..?"

He's looking for the ocean?

"Salt..." he muttered turning to the left, "this way."

This is amazing. He really can sense everything... however... 

I noticed people running over to us and tapped Arcane's shoulder.

"Yes, I see them," he nodded before suddenly throwing me up. I couldn't help but to let out a startled scream as I was flung up into the air. When I looked down, I noticed that Arcane was fending off fighter after fighter. A scowl permanently stuck to his face before he put his arm out and before I knew it I was securely placed on his shoulder again. 

He's either showing off or just really cool. I can't make my mind up...

"Damn it... they just keep coming," he muttered, "there can't have been this many people in that tiny ass village."

"Stop your struggling!" Keil's voice echoed around the area, "sit still and become our saviours sacrifice."

I looked up to see it was starting to get dark. How has so much time already passed?

"You're crazy if you think I'm going to let you kill me for no freaking reason!" Arcane shouted before turning on his heel and propelling us forward, "kiss my ass and defeat me in battle, then I may reconsider!"

How vulgar...

"Sorry about this princess but..." he got rid of his blades and then dragged me around before manhandling me under his arm, "if I don't hold you like this, you'll fall to your death."

My death?!

Suddenly a large canyon came into sight and I looked up at Arcane like he was mad.

"I'm not going to fall, or at least, you won't," he rolled his eyes before jumping on the spot a bit and then sprinting forward.

I squeezed my eyes shut as the edge of the canyon came into sight and I felt Arcane jump. The feeling of not being on actual ground didn't last for long as I was suddenly tossed and landed against the floor painfully.

"Ow--" I winced as I sat up but quickly looked around when I saw no traces of Arcane.

That's when I jumped up and ran to the edge of the cliff just to see him hanging off the side.

I'm getting a really uncomfortable sense of déjà vu right now and I don't like it.

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