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"Arcane?!" Yona shouted, reaching forward to grab me and try pull me up.

"Don't touch me!" I shouted, "or I'll lose my grip and we'll both go falling to our stupid deaths."

"B-but--" she gave me a panicked gaze, I looked over my shoulder just in time to see the villagers rolling some big ass catapult towards the other side of the canyon.

What the fuck is their problem?!

Sighing, I dig the blades in my right hand into the cliff side and then move my left above, gradually pulling myself out of the canyon just as the word 'fire' was shouted.

I turned to see an onslaught of rocks, stones and boulders all flying towards us.

"They're mad. They're totally, undoubtedly mad," I stated before grabbing Yona's wrist and pulling her behind a group of boulders.

I sat down and pulled her so she was sat in between my legs and then shielded her from the flying weapons that were heading towards us.

They're so crazy! Why can't they just leave us alone?!

Yo, first Colourless Dragon Warrior, whatever your name was, if you can hear me... Your disciples are all totally off their rockers and its your fault that I'm probably going to die on this godforsaken island in the middle of no where!

The sound of stones hitting off the surface around us and the crashing of the boulders dropping down into the dried up land causing a lovely landscape change echoed all around us. I could feel Yona trembling in my hold, is she scared? I guess it can be a little scary but it's not like she's going to die or anything.

The feeling of something dropping down my back cut through me painfully before it went away as if nothing was there to begin with.

Ow? I guess?

Unexpectedly, I felt something cold drop on my hands that I was now holding Yona's with.

Is she crying?!

Oh lord-- what do I do?! I don't know how to react to people crying let alone know how to stop them.

The falling rocks stopped and I turned Yona around.

"Are you OK?" I asked her. She just cried for a couple seconds.

"I promise you, you're not going to die," I told her, reaching forward and wiping the tears from her cheeks, "just keep your faith in me, even if I haven't been the nicest guy in the world, trust me. I beg of you. I promise... You won't die."

She smiled through her tears and sniffled before resting her forehead against my own.

H-hold on?!

Wh...at is she doing?!

"Thank you," she nodded before backing up and going to stand up, I quickly grabbed her wrist and pulled her down again.

"Crouch and walk over to those bushes," I pointed to our right, she nodded and began moving. I followed after her and then stood up once I knew we were out of sigh.

"Damn those guys are insufferable," I growled before letting out a yawn, "all that running has made me tired.

"Do you think the ship knows where we are?" Yona asked. I stopped walking.

"I know for a fact that they did," I told her before pointing through the trees and across a cliff to where The Blood Sails ship was coming into view. Her expression basically lit up at the sight and she let out a sigh of relief.

"Don't get relieved just yet," I told her, "we still have to get onto the beach and onto that ship before we can start relaxing."

"You're right," she nodded, "I just feel so useless. You're the only one who can fight while if I tried to with no weapons, I'd just get in the way."

"Even with weapons, I have a feeling you'd get in the way," I told her, "so don't feel too sorry for yourself. I just don't fight well with others close by."

"Search for them!" someone shouted.

"Damn. Those persistent buggers managed to get here so fast," I hissed, placing my hand on the back of Yona's hand and pushing her down with me. We crouched in the bushes and watched as people scurried around us, obviously looking for us but failing miserably.

"Look, the ship," Yona whispered, I looked back over to see it was now docked just off the shores.

"We need to get over there," I whispered back before taking her hand in mine and carefully snuck through the shrubbery and down the sandy slope to the beach.

Once there, I checked it was clear and started running, pulling Yona with me.

I took my whistle, wiped it down and then whistled for Apollo, putting my arm out as the bird came soaring down at me and landed on my arm.

"Hey, boy," I smiled, starting to feel exhausted, "glad you're here."

"Oh thank goodness," Yona smiled as I put the whistle around my neck again and went to wave to the ship when the sound of crunching behind us stopped me.

I turned to see Keil and basically everyone I cut down plus more all stood behind us.

"Well well well, colourless dragon," Keil adopted a sickening grin as I sent Apollo flying to the boat again and pulled Yona safely behind me, "seems you're stuck between us and the ocean. You may have friends over there but... They won't reach you before your death does."

"Oh? And what makes you say that, huh?" I asked, slightly irritated.

"Because the last people from that village to wash up here didn't," he replied.

My body seemed to chill to the bone at the words he just spoke and I unconsciously relaxed my stance.

"What do you mean by that?" I asked, Keil let out a sickening laugh before he calmed and raised up his hand.

What is he holding?

What's he got in his hand?!

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