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I yawned as I walked out onto the main deck, stretching as I walked and then slumping on Aswin who was standing up from a crouching position. Perfect sleeping post.

"Hey!" Aswin shouted, "you just woke up, why're you trying to go to sleep again?"

"I'm tired," I mumbled, "yesterday really took it out of me."

"Well get it back because we're setting sail soon," he replied before noticing a certain pretty much permanent drunk and unhooked me from him and dropped me onto the drunk who was trying to tighten the ropes.

"Morning, Read," I greeted him.

"Morning, lad," came his grunt in response as I noticed the dragon warriors and their company climb on the ship.

Letting out a small irritated huff, I just face forward before catching a whiff of something strange.

I stood up and looked around.

"Something wrong?" Read asked, looking up from the post he'd finished retying.

"Hm..." I just hummed in response as I walked down to the front of the ship and took in the sea breeze, "weird. It smelt like it was going to storm, but now... There's nothing. Yesterday really did take it out of me. Darn."

"Line up, crew!" Branton's voice echoed across the ship and we all walked to where he was stood in front of the dragon dudes with Esta being held by her collar. She was just lying on the floor though.

"Alright, lads and lasses, we've got a few temp shipmates," Branton announced, "Kija, Jae-Ha, Shin-ah, Yona, Hak, Yoon, and Zeno!"

Kija, the white dragon, Jae-Ha, the green dragon, Shin-ah is the blue and Zeno is the yellow. Hak and Yoon were here the other day, Hak carried a large hsu quandao and Yoon was the youngest of the group. Yona was the only girl.

"Introduce yourselves!" Branton shouted at us.

"Yes, captain," we all exclaimed. Its too early for this.

"I'm Gene," Gene, the youngest brother of the Lynx siblings introduced himself, bowing his hat.

"And I'm his older brother Gale," Gale grinned at them.

"Names Read," Read grunted before taking a swig from his water container. Now I know that that is not water.

"Iris," Iris simply stated before jumping off to wherever it is she jumps off to.

"I'm Aswin, I deal with all the food prep and healing on this ship," Aswin threw them a peace sign and then yawned.

"I'm Irene, it's good to have you on-board!" Irene greeted cheerfully.

"I'm A," A was next to introduce herself, "just A."

"I'm Tennant, or one eyed ten," Tennant gave them a two finger salute before turning and going back to the place he was working at before this all happened.

"I'm Travis," Travis introduced himself as he wrapped his arm around me and dragged me in.

"Arcane," I muttered, looking off to the side not really caring nor really wanting to do this.

"I'm the right hand, Trent, if you need anything just as me. It's easier," Trent smiled.

"This runt is our lazy brat, Esta," Branton raised the girl off the floor, she just hung limply there, not even caring, "and I'm the captain, Branton, don't you forget it. Now get to work you lazy bunch!"

"Aye, captain!" we all chimed before going off to do work.

I started climbing up to the crows nest when I glanced down to see Branton and Trent speaking with the dragon party.

"So irritating," I hissed to myself before continuing going up, once up, I whistled for Apollo to come down and he landed on the edge of the crows nest in front of me.

Travis' PoV

"Set to South South East!" the captain ordered.

We all set for that direction and then the ship was moving.

"Why do we have to work while that dragon is lazily just hanging around up there?" I heard Hak complain from beside me.

"He's actually working," I told him with a smile, "Arcane is really sensitive to shifts in the environment and weather so he's making sure we won't run into any storms along our way."

"That sounds useful, especially on the seas," Yoon commented.

"Extremely," I nodded, "He's navigated us out of so many hell storms that we seem unbeatable at this point."

I looked up just as Arcane came swinging down.

"Looks like we've got one," I stated, "get ready for a storm."

"Captain, level four storm!" Arcane shouted.

"Four?!" we, the original crew, all exclaimed.

"Level four?" Yona looked confused.

"We rate the level of a storm from level one to level four," I informed them, "four being the worst kind. We're going to be in for one hell of a sail so I'd get ready."

"Prepare for storm incoming!" Branton roared as we all rushed around, "no course change available, carry on south south east!"

"Aye, captain!" we all shouted.

"Level four, huh?" I chuckled as me and Arcane started pulling on one of the sail ropes, "been a while since we've conquered one of those."

"Yeah well we've got some dead weight with us this time," Arcane commented, "I doubt we'll get out of it without losing at least one person and it'll be one of them."

He nodded his head in the direction of the new guys who were working with Read.

"Arcane, get the bird inside my chambers," Branton shouted as we finished tying down the rope.

"Aye, captain," Arcane called back before pulling his whistle out and running across the deck.

I looked forward to see dark clouds that slightly lit up in the distance coming towards us.

"That looks bad," Gene commented as he came up behind me, "We're moving all the crates below deck, come help."

"Right," I nodded, tearing my eyes off the sky and walking with him to the crates where Kija was carrying one with one hand like it was a freaking feather.

"Holy mackerel-- how strong are you?!" Gale shouted, "maybe we should think about permanent recruitment."

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