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The next day, I was out looking for food when I heard Yona shout out and I quickly sprinted back in that direction as fast as I could. When I got there, Yona was gone.

"What?" I looked around confused before noticing tracks in the ground, "humans. There must  be a small clan living on this island."

I didn't even think that that could be a possibility and now I've put her in danger.

I let out a long sigh before looking around for the highest point in this area.

"Seems the top of that tree is it," I hummed as my eyes landed on a large tree not so far away from me. I walked forward and started climbing, when I reached near enough to the top, I focus my hear, closing my eyes and cutting off the rest of my senses as I focused.

Squirrels jumping through trees, birds flying in the sky above. Further. The sound of insects crawling around. Further. Small animals running through the shrubbery. Further. A running stream. Further. Fish jumping. Further. The sound of talking, no-- shouting. Yona's voice and a bunch of others. Where is that?

Somewhere to the north... doesn't seem like Yona is hurt but she sounds confused and defensive.

"Alright," I jumped down from the tree and landed perfectly, "time to go get her."

I took off running in the direction I'd heard Yona and came across a village after about five minutes.

"Just as I thought," I nodded, "a small clan. Probably off the map. They won't be used to outsiders."

"Don't move," someone ordered from behind, the cool feeling of metal touching the side of my neck caught my attention.

"Lead the way," I gestured, letting out a defeated sigh. 

My captor did just that, I was pushed through the bushes and out into the village.

"Arcane!" Yona shouted.

"Yo," I nodded, "having fun with your new friends?"

"Not at all!" she shouted.

"What happened?" I asked as ropes were tied around my wrists.

"Well I was sat outside the cave waiting for you to return when all of a sudden a heard a bell and then these guys appeared out of no where with spears," she explained as I sat down next to her and everyone turned to ignoring us, "I didn't have a weapon so I couldn't fight them off."

"Ah, so your shout earlier must've been one of protest," I noted, she nodded, "well anyway, because of that, I was able to get here before they did something to you."

"That's good and all but how're we supposed to get out of here?" she asked, "they have weapons, we don't."

"Let's just relax for a bit," I told her, "and besides, you do have a weapon."

"What? I do?" she looked around her body for a weapon but turned her confused gaze to me, "no I don't."

"I may not be travelling with you permanently but you're a temporary shipmate," I told her, "as I am the colourless dragon warrior of The Blood Sails pirate crew, I protect all who reside on that ship as the crew. You so happen to be part of our crew for now so that makes me your weapon as well. But for now, let's just observe."

"Observe?" she repeated, I nodded.

"This tribe or whatever isn't on any map I've ever seen so they're off the record and totally disconnected from the world," I told her, "saying that I'm a dragon warrior to them may not help us at all because they may not be at all aware of such a thing, after all, they're not technically of the Kouka Kingdom."

"They're not?" she asked, I shook my head.

"We're in the middle of Kouka and Ashia. That means this island isn't of Kouka or Ashia, it is its own being separate from any large kingdom," I explained, "this isn't thought to have been an island with any habitation other than wildlife and insects so no one has ever bothered with this island for anything really and those who did never returned. Now I guess I know why."

"They're not going to kill us, are they?" she asked, now suddenly quite disturbed.

"Even if they try to, I won't allow them to," I replied, "I have pride. It's really big so if I allowed a member of my crew die, it would take a staggering blow."

"I can't believe you just admitted to having a lot of pride," Yona laughed before focusing on something, "hey, look over there."

I looked in the direction she was nodding in to see some of the villagers were stood around what seemed to be a glass dragon of some kind.

"What is that?" she asked.

"I'm guessing their god?" I replied with a shrug, "I don't know anything about these people so I wouldn't be able to provide you with a satisfactory answer."

She let out a hum in response while I looked around us again.

The houses were pretty basic, just wood and stone, some had glass panes in the windows, others had blinds of straw or wooden shutters.

One of the villagers walked closer to us and I got an idea.

"Hey, villager," I called, he paused and looked to me, "tell me. What's that statue."

He looked from me to the statue and then back before squinting at me for a couple moments and looking back at the statue.

His eyes widened.

"Mushokuryuu," he muttered.

"Huh?" both me and Yona frowned at him.

He just called my name. But how does he..?

"Mushokuryuu!" he shouted before chanting it over and over, running to the crowd of villagers, "the captive is a mushokuryuu!"

I looked to Yona questioningly and she just shrugged.

What have we gotten ourselves into?

The Dragon's Pirate Warrior | oc insertWhere stories live. Discover now