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any first year med student knows that an increased heart rate is a sign of trouble. a racing heart can indicate anything from a panic disorder to something much, much more serious.
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"whoa," mark gasps when he bumps into derek in one of the less busy hospital corridors, noticing the ring box in his hand. "what is that?"

"what do you think it is," derek shrugs as the two of them continue making their way through the hospital.

"that's dangerous," mark warns. "people who carry guns are more likely to fire 'em."

"oh, i'm ready to fire it," derek assures his best friend who turns to him, his brow slightly creased. "that's not the problem. she's the problem. she spooks easy. i have to fire at the right time, in the right way, otherwise she'll panic and bolt."

"sounds like altman," mark tells derek who chuckles.

"she's not ready," derek sighs, shaking his head. "do you think she's ready?"

"i don't know," mark shrugs. "more importantly, if you don't know know, you shouldn't do anything until you do know."

"dr. sloan," owen greets as he walks towards the two other surgeons.

"dr. hunt," mark returns the greeting with a forced sense of enthusiasm as the two of them turn a corner, whilst derek continues walking straight ahead.

reaching the end of the corridor, owen pulls open the door to an exam room to allow mark to enter, and he follows close behind.

"oh, let's make this quick," mark sighs as owen shuts the door behind the two of them.

only a few minutes later, the door swings back open and owen clears his throat as the two of them step back out, heading back down the relatively quiet hallway.

"so we good to go?" mark asks, narrowly avoiding eye contact as he pulls up the zipper on his jeans.

"yep," owen nods before lowering his voice. "uh, use it..." his brow furrows due to his discomfort with the situation. "wisely."

patting owen's back the two of them spilt up in opposite directions when they reach the end of the corridor.

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a heart that flutters, or one that skips a beat, could be a sign of secret affliction or it could indicate romance which is the biggest trouble of all.
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today, dr. dixon had returned to seattle grace hospital for a case and she had specifically requested for chloe to also be on it. this meant that cristina was currently in stacy, the patient's, room, preparing her parents, dan and lisa, for the attendings arrival. 

"dr. dixon is not big on eye contact, so don't be surprised if she doesn't look at you," cristina warns them. "also try to avoid physical contact, uh, loud or disruptive noises-"

"she's okay, right?" dan's brow is furrowed.

"oh, no, she and dr. altman are both amazing. you couldn't ask for a better team of surgeons," cristina assures. "i'm just telling you so you'll be better prepared."

as the resident finishes speaking, chloe and virginia step through the open door, and cristina turns to them, momentarily.

"dr. dixon, dr. altman, this is, uh, dan and lisa pollock," cristina introduces them.

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