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in the beginning, god created the heaven and the earth, at least that's what they say. he created the birds of the air and the beasts of the field, and he looked at his creation and he saw that it was good. and then god created man, and it's been downhill ever since.
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"the woman loves me," mark's voice booms over the sound of mud squelching beneath his shoes as he and derek walk through the damp woods.

"chloe?" derek's brows knit together.

"erica hahn- well, altman, too. but hahn..." mark shakes his head, and derek rolls his eyes. "i'm telling you. we went out last night, had a couple drinks."

"you and erica?" derek raises his brow.

"just me and hahn," mark smirks. "and callie."

"oh, all right," derek laughs. "so it wasn't a date."

"you gonna tell me where we're going?" mark turns to him with a frown.

"why does it always have to be about the destination?" derek shrugs his shoulders. "why can't it be about the journey?"

"'cause i'm wearing $300 shoes," mark tells him, watching the mud encase around them with each step he takes with a creased brow.

"meredith told me she doesn't want me seeing other people," derek informs him.

"she found out about you and rose?" mark guesses.

"there's nothing to find out," derek shakes his head. "it was just a kiss.

"yeah, but you're not the kind of guy who makes out with nurses in scrub rooms," mark points out. "not that there's anything wrong with that."

"what do you think?" derek questions.

"i think it was more than just a kiss," mark shrugs.

"no, no, no, no, the view," derek elaborates, as they stop walking and the neurosurgeon spins his arms around.

"well, what am i looking at?" mark's brow furrows.

"the view from my new house. huh?" derek laughs, pointing out over the edge.

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the story goes on to say that god created man in his own image, but there's not much proof of that. after all god made the sun and the moon and the stars, and all man makes is trouble.
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the doors are about to slide shut on the elevator erica is stood in when she notices callie running to catch it, so she sticks an arm out to hold the doors open for the resident.

"oh, dr. torres," erica greets.

"dr. hahn, anyone who can out drink me and still kick my ass at the dartboard gets to call me callie," callie tells her.

"last night was actually fun, wasn't it?" erica smiles and callie nods in agreement. "and i'm not a group person."

"mm, me neither," callie shakes her head.

"i think it's because i generally don't like people," erica shrugs.

"me neither," callie laughs as the elevator dings and the doors slide open to reveal mark.

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