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surgeons usually fantasize about wild and improbable surgeries.
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fluttering her eyes open, chloe rolls onto her side, coming face to face with face with mark, propped up on his elbow, gazing down at her with his signature smirk.

"good morning."

"good morning," chloe smiles, leaning into him and pressing her lips, softly, against his.

as the two of them pull away from their kiss, chloe's eyes linger on mark's, but his drift over her, looking past the blonde.

"good morning," mark nods his head.

"it is a good morning," joe's voice sounds out from behind her.

the blonde rolls back over, onto her back, but she turns her head to the right so that she's looking at joe, who is propped up in a similar position to mark.

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someone collapses in a restaurant, we splice them open with a butter knife, replace a valve with a hollowed out stick of carrot.
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"hi," chloe smiles, lifting her body from the mattress slightly so that she can press her full lips against joe's, allowing them to move together before she eventually pulls back.

"did you get any sleep last night?" joe asks with a smirk.

"not really," chloe shakes her head, a mischievous smile ghosting her lips.

"you want to get some now?" mark's voice is low, and when she turns her head back to him, he's still smirking.

"not really."

they both begin to lean into her whilst she stares up at the ceiling, chewing on her bottom lip. but as they draw near, her eyes blink open, and this time she is only greeted by the blaring sound of the alarm clock on her bedside table.

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but every now and then some other kind of fantasy slips in.
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"i had a sex dream last night," chloe informs arizona as the two of them walk through the lobby of seattle grace, bringing her cup of coffee up to her lips.

"oh, really?" arizona raises her brow. "was it about me? or was it about one of your many, many men?"

"funny," chloe forces a smile as they reach the elevators and arizona laughs. "but to answer your question- it was about mark... and joe."

"you had a dream about the both of them? a threesome?" arizona's brow furrows and chloe nods to confirm. "nice," she nods. "just when i think you are getting boring, chloe francesca altman- you rise."

"thank you?" chloe chuckles with a furrowed brow as the elevator doors slide open and they both step inside.

"have you spoken to either of them- you know, since you kissed mark?" arizona enquires as the doors slide shut behind the two girls.

"okay, mark kissed me," chloe clarifies. "but, no. i haven't," she shakes her head, avoiding arizona's disapproving gaze. "i live my life under a banner of avoidance. i avoid. i'm an avoider."

arizona rolls her eyes as the elevator dings and the doors slide open to reveal joe stood waiting and chloe's eyes bulge.

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