No pain no gain (Part One)

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Your adrenaline and blood coursed through your veins as your heart pounded against your chest. Your eyes grew fierce as the thought of battle made your excited. Within the next moment you sprinted across the ring with your arm pulled back. You screamed and threw your fist into Uraraka, punching her back into the stands.

"And the first hit has been delivered and what a powerful move that was!" Present Mic commented. However, Uraraka quickly touched her arms and legs and dropped her gravity to zero. When she did that, Uraraka was able to stop herself in midair, just missing the wall behind her and ground beneath her. Uraraka stared at you in amazement and you grinned, cracking your knuckles. "Hehehe! What's wrong Uraraka? Didn't expect me to fight this hard?" You asked, giggling. (What's wrong with her? She's like a completely different person when she fights!)

"Unbelievable, Uraraka was able to save herself just in time!" Present Mic exclaimed, causing the crowd to roar with excitement. You rolled your shoulder and raised your fists. "No hard feelings, but I'm going all out! I can't lose here!" You screamed. Uraraka smirked, nodding in understanding and pushed her foot on the wall to fly towards you. "I can't either!" She yelled, pushing the tips of her fingers together. "Release!" She landed in the ring and touched the ground with both hands looking up to you, waiting. You inhaled and puffed your cheeks out and then released a pillar of fire from your mouth. "Woah! What's that move!?" Present Mic screamed into the mic.

Aizawa slowly opened his eyes and looked down at you and Uraraka fighting. He shot up, wide awake and leaned in to see better. "Geez you didn't tell me it started!" Aizawa growled. Uraraka predicted your move and flicked her fingers up, lifting the ring into the air to put a barrier between her and the fire. "And (Y/n)'s attacks are halted as Uraraka shifts into defense mode! What an amazing play by Uraraka!"

Uraraka winced at the scorching flames flickering above her head. She dropped to her stomach, not expecting you to be this strong. (The fire is so hot! If I took this hit, I would have been burned to death! She really isn't playing around...I guess I shouldn't either!) You slowly winded down and panted, licking your lips. (Geez...I'm becoming sloppy. That was less intense than it should have been.) You wiped your mouth off and tasted a bit of ash on your tongue, spitting it out. "Woah! That was an amazing flamethrower attack by (Y/n) but was it enough to finish her opponent!?" Present Mic asked the crowd.

"Is she trying to kill her!?" Iida yelled, looking at Midoriya with concern. "N-no, (Y/n) would never aim to kill." "Then why are they attacking like they intend to kill?!" Iida growled. Bakugo rolled his eyes and snarled. "Don't you get it!? Those two are going full out because they want to! They have a fighting spirit in them...and I can't wait to fight her...(Y/n) (L/n)..." Bakugo licked his hungry lips, chuckling darkly at the thought of your fight with him. "Now that I think about it, didn't you tell them to go all out?" Midoriya asked. Iida quieted down with an embarrassed silence.

You growled, knowing that wasn't enough to finish Uraraka. The two of you had high stamina and defense, as she clearly proved to you. You grew alert and looked around until you saw a shadow casted over you. You looked up and saw Uraraka holding the two blocks she used to block your attack. "You're not kidding around." She laughed. "Heh! I meant what I said!" You chuckled, getting ready to attack. "Ok then, I'll get serious to!" She said as you heard something flying towards you.

"Huh!?" A rock smacked you in the back and caused you to stumble forward. "Release!" Uraraka pressed the tips of her fingers together and sent the smoldering rocks crashing down on you. You couldn't retaliate in time and you took the hit straight on. The rocks collapsed on you, digging into your body and burning your skin. You screamed in pain and tried to pull yourself out, but the rocks held you down. The rocks weighed about as heavy as you, if not more, and to add onto that they were as hot as the fire you spit out.

"What a well thought out move by Uraraka! Attacking the opponent from behind and pushing them into a trap!" Present Mic commented. Uraraka dropped to the ground, panting, as her cheeks turned a faded hint of green. (Urgh...I used my Quirk to much...) She cupped her mouth and quickly shook the feeling away. (No, I have to stay focused. (Y/n) won't go down with one attack, I know she won't.)

Present Mic leaned in, slamming his fist into the control panel. "Is this the end for (Y/n) or will she be able to counterattack Uraraka's move?" Present Mic asked. You could hear Present Mic's voice as you were being crushed by the rocks, growling. Yamato growled in concern and screamed out to you. "Get up sis! You're not done yet!" Denji joined him and threw his fist into the air. "Yeah! You can't lose to her, come on!" He yelled over the crowd. Bakugo grinded his teeth together as he roared. "(Y/n), get up dammit! I will not have you lose to that round-faced girl when you're supposed to lose against me!"

You heard their screams of encouragement and you cursed under your breath. "They're right...I can't let this end here...urgh!" Your eyes ripped wide open, causing the ground to shake with rage. You grinded your teeth together as your body started to feel uncontrollably hot. Uraraka kept her focus on you, knowing that if she attacked now you could easily catch her off guard. You felt the heat of the flames inside your body burn to life in your hands and mouth and you screamed at the top of your lungs, exploding your flames everywhere.

The fire destroyed the rocks with a blast from your flaming hands and you snickered. Once you were able to move, you stopped and held your heavy head down, panting. (Crap...that took more out of me than I thought it would.) You slowly stood up and you looked down at your hands, surprised to see your gloves were still there but the ends of your shirt were burned off. (The gloves are fire resistant? Heh, I guess Present Mic thought that through!)

You giggled to yourself and you felt energized again. "Ok, that was a good move, but you ruined my clothes." You frowned. "Oh! Sorry!" Your body suit was still in one piece, thanks to the stiff and durable fabric, but your clothes were torn and cut on the sides. Your hoodie was torn on the right side and a chunk of it was missing on your left. "Hmph, I guess I can always get another one!" You grabbed your black hoodie and ripped it off, dropping it to the ground and revealing your shirt. "Just one attack and (Y/n)'s clothes are torn apart! What an amazing move by Uraraka!" (I hope we still have the layout design for her clothing.) Present Mic thought.

You rolled your neckon an axis and cracked it. "Geez...I just got these clothes!" You grumbled,getting into your fighting stance. "I said I was sorry." Uraraka grinned. "Heh!Ok then, no more holding back!" You grinned. Uraraka's eyes opened wide as sheheld her breath. (What!? She was holding back!?) You dropped to your knees andthrusted your hands on the ground, shooting a streak of flames at Uraraka. Shequickly dove out of the way and rolled on the ground. "Now this match isstarting to get heated!" Present Mic yelled.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2020 ⏰

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