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You stood in the center of a circle with your blurry tunnel vision showing you a straight line that you had to throw. Aizawa looked down at his distance meter and then back at you, waiting. Present Mic had his arms crossed as he waited for you to throw. You inhaled and exhaled, and you got ready to throw the ball. (Ok, just a straight line, as hard as I can!) "Wait!" Aizawa shouted. You froze in place and he walked up to you, sighing. "Yes?" You asked, hoping you were looking at him from the side. Aizawa grabbed your head and turned your body around to face the right way and you softly chuckled. "Oh...was I facing the wrong way?" You knew the answer to that, but you didn't want others to know that you were losing your vision. "Yes, you were."

Aizawa let go of your head and walked back to Present Mic, where he waited for you to throw the ball. (Ok...which Quirk should I use? My strength might be able to do it...but what about my galaxy Quirk?) Your galaxy Quirk was the one you used in the entrance exam. That Quirk allows you to make the gravity of earth turn into space and if you wanted to, you could turn the air into space as well. This would suffocate anyone who inhaled it, but you knew how to control it well enough to not do that.

Present Mic held his chin and studied you. "She's deciding what Quirk she's going to use." He stated. "I know." Aizawa said. Present Mic turned to him wide eyed and crossed his arms. "You do realize she's going to push herself, right?" "Yeah." Present Mic nodded and growled at Aizawa. "And which Quirk would make her throw the ball farther?" Present Mic asked, implying that he knew what you were going to do. Aizawa's eyes grew wide and he snatched the cloth around his neck.

Your vision was starting to shrink into a small dot surrounded by darkness, and you bit your lip. (I don't have time to think! I need to act fast!) You closed your eyes and ripped them open with a wavy black color swirling around your eyes. White dots started to glimmer in the dark circle as you pulled your arm back and threw the ball. You concentrated on the ball shooting into the sky, but it flew a few feet away from you and bounced on the ground. To you it looked like a small white blob was bouncing off a brownish surface. You couldn't tell if you threw it far enough or not and squinting didn't help either. (Ugh...did I throw it far enough?)

"Kid, can you see?" You spun around to face Aizawa, who's hair was in the air and eyes glowing red. You could make this out because you could see two tiny red dots on a human shaped blob, and you had seen Aizawa like this before. "Y-yeah?" You said with fake confidence. "Oh, really?" He shot his cloth at you and wrapped you in it while he pulled you towards him. You tried to break out of his grip, but the more you struggled the harder it was to get out of it.

Aizawa was now face to face with you but you couldn't make it out to well. "How many fingers am I holding up?" He asked. You had to almost turn your head completely to the side to see his blurry hand, but you were able to count them, and you responded. "Four." Aizawa put his hand down and Present Mic growled. Aizawa glared at Present Mic and then back at you. "(Y/n)...I wasn't holding up any fingers. In fact, you weren't looking in the right direction to see my hand, that is, if I was holding it up to began with." He said coldly.

Your mouth dropped in disbelief and you curled your lip in, biting down on it. "I-I can explain..." You started to say but then you trailed off with a sigh. "There's no need to explain, your eyes show enough of it." He said sternly. You closed your eyes and shook your head. "No, I can still throw the ball! You just erased my Quirk!" You spat. Aizawa was surprised that you were able to piece that together with your vision, but that didn't change the facts. "I erased your Quirk because you were going to use the one you used from your entrance exam! That's pretty irrational if you ask me!" He hissed.

There was no use in lying because you knew that he was referring to your galaxy Quirk. Present Mic started to tap his foot and you could hear his foot tapping on the ground. "Present Mic? You're here, right?" You asked. Present Mic uncrossed his arms and nodded. "Yeah." "You have to help me out, I can still throw." You lied. "You're in no condition to and you know it!" Aizawa growled. You opened your eyes to see nothing but black and you gasped, but then gulped. "Put me back where I was, and I'll throw the ball." You said.

My Hero Academia- Present Mic x Reader (The Five Senses) (On hold)Where stories live. Discover now