The tournament

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After English, Math, and Science class you walked to lunch. The food wasn't that good, so it was a good thing you brought your own lunch today. You sat at a round table with Uraraka, Iida, and Midoriya. They were eating the school's lunch, well, kind of. They were poking it with their forks and Iida dropped it and crossed his arms. "Well, I won't eat today." He muttered.

You reached into your All Might lunchbox and pulled out an apple and held it out to Iida. "Here, you can have my apple." You said. Iida shook his head and adjusted his glasses. "No, no, I couldn't do that. That's your lunch." "Yes, but you won't have one if you don't eat, so here." You dropped the apple in front of Iida, who stared at it. You looked inside your lunchbox and found a cup of yogurt. "Here Uraraka!" She looked up from her plate covered in goo and smiled in delight, gasping. "Oh, thank you!" She squealed, taking the cup of raspberry yogurt.

You rummaged around inside your lunchbox and pulled out some celery. "Here Midoriya, and here's some dressing if you want some." You said, pushing the dressing across the table. Midoriya blushed with big eyes and took the celery and dressing. "Thank you (Y/n)!" Midoriya started to chow down on his celery and Uraraka was calmly eating her yogurt. "Woah! This is the best yogurt I've ever had!" She smiled. "Really? My little brother Yamato made it for me. He makes our little sister Haruchi yogurt all the time when she's hungry." You said.

Uraraka gave you a perplexed look, but nonetheless smiled. "Oh! Well then tell him I love it!" You nodded as Iida picked up the apple and bit into it, happy to eat but not happy to eat your food. (Geez...I feel bad for taking her food like this...) "Thank you, (Y/n)" Iida murmured, ashamed of himself. "You're welcome!" You smiled.

Out of the corner of your eye, you saw Bakugo sitting alone, glaring at his awful food. He had a sour look on his face, like he was debating on whether to blow his slimy food to bits or not. You turned to your lunchbox and pulled out a bag of crackers. Your eyes darted from Bakugo to your crackers, weighing the possibilities. You turned to the others and smiled. "I'll be back." You said, getting up and walking over to Bakugo.

Once he saw you, he growled and kicked his feet on the table, pushing his food away. "Hi Bakugo!" You smiled. Bakugo blew you off and turned away. "What do you want?" He barked. You tilted your head and smiled at him sweetly. "I-I wanted to give you this, you know, because the food here is bad." You said. Bakugo looked at you and then your bag of crackers and scoffed. "Yeah right, I don't need your damn sympathy!" He shooed you off with the wave of his hand and you stared at him.

"Umm...ok, but if you change your mind, I'll leave these here for you." You set the bag of crackers down on the table and Bakugo was about to say something to you, but he then noticed that Uraraka, Midoriya, and Iida were also eating your food. He closed his mouth as you walked back to your table and sat down. "Ok, I'm back!" "Nice" Midoriya cheered.

"Hey, why don't we all get together and work on our projects?" Uraraka suggested. You took a bite out of your sandwich and you looked at everyone else to see how they felt. Iida swallowed and rubbed his neck. "I'm not sure...I have stuff to do tonight." He said. "Sure, that sounds good to me!" Midoriya said. "Great, how about you (Y/n)?" You blushed and hesitated, fumbling over your own words like a fool. "I mean as long as we're working on our projects." You finally said. "Great! We'll all meet at your house then!" She smiled. "Woah, wait, why my house!?" You screamed. "Well, I want to meet your little brother and tell him how good his yogurt was!" Uraraka laughed.

"How many siblings do you have?" Midoriya asked. "Three." You answered. "Three!?" Iida choked on his apple and coughed. "You ok Iida?" You asked. "Yeah...I'm just surprised you have three siblings, thats all." "How old are they?" Uraraka asked. "Well I have two twin brothers who are both eight years old. Their names are Yamato and Denji. The last one is my little sister Haruchi, she hasn't activated her Quirk yet, but she will soon. She's around four years old." You explained. "Oh my gosh! I want to see your little siblings!" Uraraka squealed.

"What do the twins look like?" Iida asked, now interested to know himself. "Well...Yamato has silver white hair that flares and Denji's hair is also silver white in color but his just spikes in the front." "Oh! They sound so cute!" Uraraka squealed with joy. "Yeah, they are." You giggled. "I can't wait to meet them." Midoriya said. "Ok, I'll come over to." Iida said, giving in. "Sweet! We can walk to my house after school!" "Ok, at the front entrance!" Everyone nodded and the bell rang for your next class. When you started to grab your bag at your feet you saw an empty bag laying on the table Bakugo was sitting at, and you couldn't help but smile.


When everyone got back from eating lunch Midoriya was jumping up and down in his seat like a bouncy ball. You reached out to tap his shoulder, but your suspicions were answered when the door swung open. "Hello everyone!" All Might greeted with a big smiled. Your mouth dropped and you slid back into your seat. The room erupted with chatter and All Might whistled a happy tune. "Ok, let's start the day out by going over the course! This class will test your limits and put you to the test on the battlefield!"

Everyone fell silent when they heard the word battlefield and you leaned in. "Ahh! I see you are all eager to hear more!" You focused all your attention on All Might with everything riding on what he was about to say. "What you are going to do tomorrow is fight against your classmates in a tournament!" (Huh? A tournament?)

All Might pulled out a piece of paper from behind him and he held a pen in the other hand. "If you sign this paper, then that means you are willing to compete in the tournament! Now, who wants to sign it first?" The room remained silent and Bakugo blew him off. (A tournament? That's about as stupid as the project that's due tomorrow!) A tournament, where all the kids in class 1-A would compete to decide who's the best. As fun as that sounded you were more worried about losing the first match, or worse, hurting someone.

You slowly raised your shaking hand, and All Might turned to you. "Ahh yes! You there with the (H/c) hair!? Do you want to sign this paper?" Bakugo, Midoriya, Iida, and Uraraka snapped their heads around to stare at you and your mouth twitched with uneasiness. "Y-yes!" You blurted. All Might saw the goggles on your head, and paused for a moment to think. "I see..." (That must be the girl Present Mic ran after the other day...) "Very well young girl! You are going to be the first one to sign this sheet of paper!" He walked over to you and gave you the pen and paper. You quickly grabbed it out of his hand and signed your name on it.

"Very good, now, who else would like to-" "-I will!" Bakugo screamed, cutting him off. You stared at Bakugo and he grinned at you with a devilish look. "Yeah, I'll join! I want to fight you (Y/n) (L/n)!" No one knew how to respond to that, except All Might. "I see, you two must be rivals?" He asked, walking over to Bakugo for him to sign. "Something like that." Bakugo chuckled as he scribbled his name down. "Something like that!?" Midoriya muttered under his breath.

"Now, don't be shy, who else would like to join?" Uraraka shot her hand up and smiled. "I will!" Iida raised his hand and pushed his glasses back up. "I will!" Midoriya nodded and he put his hand up. "Me to!" A girl with long dark green hair raised her hand and flicked her tongue out. "I also want to join!" She croaked. "I'll join!" A spikey red-haired boy said. "Hmph! I guess I'll join." A black bird said. "Hahahah! There we go! Now we have some competitors!" All Might laughed. (Man, this kid can make a crowd faster than Present Mic ever could!)

When the last kid signed the paper, All Might took it and laughed heroically. "Haha! Well then, for those of you who are participating in this tournament I am happy to say that you will be given costumes!" "Costumes!?" Everyone exclaimed. "Yes! And for those who are not participating that is ok, you will also get costumes! However, for those of you who are-" All Might clicked a button on his desk and the wall to your left slid open, revealing columns of storage spaces. "Woah!" You gasped in amazement.

Everyone's mouth dropped in shock. The thought of costumes was like a dream come true. Your fingers twitched in excitement as you uncontrollably started to bounce your leg with all the extra energy you were building up. "You will each be given a costume based on your Quirks. Your name is next to your costume storage space on the board, so please try not to get someone else's." You quickly found your name on the board and rushed over to your spot where you pulled out your costume and jumped for joy. (Finally, I am a real hero!)

My Hero Academia- Present Mic x Reader (The Five Senses) (On hold)Where stories live. Discover now