Project hero

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After school you, Midoriya, Iida, and Uraraka walked to your house together. The four of you were so excited to look at your costumes because by the time everyone had checked to make sure they had there's, the school bell rang.

You were carrying your costume in your hands as you walked, not trusting your bookbag enough to hold it. "Man, I wonder what our costumes will look like!" Midoriya said. "Me to!" Uraraka said. "I wonder if I will like mine." Iida said. "I hope we all like our costumes!" You said. "But let's make this fun and wait until tomorrow to see our costumes!" You added. "Yeah! Let's do it!" Midoriya cheered. "Ok, sounds great!" Uraraka smiled, clapping her hands together. Iida didn't appear to like the idea, but he agreed anyway.

You took a left and then right and pointed to a small house. "There! That's my house!" You had blooming roses in the front yard and daisies growing along the sidewalk that led to your house. "Come on, my siblings won't bite." You opened the door and Yamato and Denji immediately ran through your legs and stared at your friends. "Woah! You're that green-haired boy that helped my sister!" Denji smiled. "You're tall!" Yamato pointed. You growled at both of them and they froze, gradually turning around to see your eyes burning with fire.

"Ugh...I-I just remembered I have homework to do!" Yamato ran back inside and Denji pulled on the collar of his shirt. "And ugh...I need to help him with it!" Denji zipped back inside and you shook your head. "Unbelievable...I think that's the only time they have ever done that. I'm sorry about that." You apologized. Midoriya rubbed his neck and waved his hand towards the ground. "Oh, don't worry about it! The spikey haired one seemed to know me!" "They were so precious!" Uraraka squealed. "Ok, well let's go to my room."

You let the three of them walk in and then you closed the door. "This way." You walked down the hallway and opened your room door and walked in. "I'll ask my mom for some poster paper." You left the three of them there and you walked towards your mom's room, but you didn't see her in there. Yamato walked by you and you tapped his shoulder. "Hey, where's mom?" You asked. "She'll be working late tonight." "Oh." You grunted. "I heard you were looking for poster board, right?" He asked.

You cracked your knuckles and growled at him. "I swear, if you two somehow embarrass me in front of my new friends..." Yamato held his hands up and laughed nervously. "Eek! Ok, ok! I just overheard you! There's some poster board in my room if you need some." "I have four people, do you have enough?" You asked. "Definitely!" Yamato took your hand and brought you into his room. On one side it was littered with toys and on the other side it was clean and spotless. Yamato was the messy one and Denji was the neat one, you could tell by their hair.

Yamato walked over to his desk and pulled out four pieces of poster board and handed them to you. "There you go!" He smiled. "Thanks Yamato." You said, rustling his hair. "Hey, stop!" He whined, smacking your hands away. "What? Your hair is already screwed up." You teased. You headed towards your room and you saw the three of them looking around. "Ok, I brought the poster board!" You smiled, trying to make them stop looking around your room.

You scattered them on the floor and Uraraka pulled the pink one towards her. "I choose this one!" Midoriya picked the green one and he smiled. "I want this one!" Iida choose the dark blue one. "I'll take this one." You took the last one, (F/c) and you grabbed some pencils from your desk, spreading them out on the floor. "Ok, let's start!" You grabbed a pencil and you sketched your name out in big bold letters. Your eyes swirled an orchid purple as you levitated a purple pencil over to you.

Quirk: Gene Mutation

Color: Orchid (Purple)

Power: Telekinesis

This Quirk allows you to control objects with your mind. You can lift objects into the air and throw them around. The weight of the object can affect your body, if you are holding too much weight, your bones will slowly start to crack and then break.

When Iida looked up from his poster board, he saw a purple pencil floating in the air and ever so slowly making its way over to you. (What the heck?) You grabbed the pencil out of the air and brought the point down to your piece of paper to write. Iida nodded to himself, glad to know he wasn't going insane.

Midoriya tapped the butt of the pencil against his lip and made his face scrunch up. (Hmm...if I put All Might there then I could put my best friends here...) Midoriya stuck his tongue out, smiling, and continued to work. Uraraka was sketching out little flowers next to her name and she giggled to herself. Iida was sketching out his name and some of the things he likes. You were sketching out your three siblings and your mom and you smiled. (I could not ask for a better family than this!)

You jotted down some facts about you and some little flames around the edges. When you were done you set your poster face down and you smiled. "I'm done, but I want it to be a surprise for tomorrow!" You announced. Midoriya put his poster face down and smiled. "Me to!" Uraraka put the final touches on hers and set hers face down. "Ok, there!" You all turned to Iida who was still working on his and he looked up to meet your wondering eyes. "I'm almost done." He stated, going back to his work.

After a few minutes he put his poster face down and wiped his head off. "There!" "Alright! Our posters are done for tomorrow!" You cheered. Suddenly, Yamato zoomed into your room and ran around the four of you making a swooshing noise. "Yamato! What are you doing!?" You screamed at him. Yamato stopped and jumped on your desk chair. "I heard you were done, so you can play now!" He cheered.

You crossed your legs and sighed. "Yamato-" "-Wait, this is Yamato!?" Uraraka asked, pointing to him. "Yes." You said. Uraraka turned to Yamato and smiled, waving to him. "Hi, I'm Uraraka, your sister's friend! She gave me her yogurt today because I didn't have any lunch!" Yamato stared at you and hopped down from your chair. "Sh-she did?" He asked her. "Yep! And I think it was amazing!" Yamato blushed and scratched his head. "Oh...w-well, I couldn't do it without the help of my little sister Haru. She's really good at making sweet stuff."

You were shocked at how modest Yamato was being. It may be true that Haruchi is the one who gathers all the ingredients for Yamato, but he's the one who makes it himself. You could read his facial expressions like a book, he liked Uraraka. Uraraka giggled and Yamato turned around with completely rose red cheeks. "I-I have to go finish my homework now!" He blurted, running off.

"Aww, he's so shy!" Uraraka giggled. Midoriya looked at the time on your radio clock and he gulped. "Oh man, its 8:30 already!? I have to get home!" Midoriya dove for his bookbag and quickly put it on. "Wait Midoriya, let's exchange phone numbers first." You said, pulling out your phone. "That's smart, that way if any of us miss school we can contact the other." Iida said. "Yeah!" Uraraka cheered with her pink ovals popping off her cheeks. "Ok, but I need to get home. I don't want to worry my mother." Midoriya laughed, nervously pulling out his phone.

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