Gym class

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Everyone in class 1-A was dressed in their gym clothes and Aizawa stood on the side lines with a distance tracker in his hand. You looked over at Midoriya, who was shaking all over for some unknown reason. You walked up to him and poked him in the side, grabbing his attention and making his yelp. "Midoriya, are you ok?" You asked. He nodded his head so fast you thought it was going to snap off. "Yeah, I'm good." He lied.

You didn't have to use a Quirk or even know Midoriya for that long to know he was worried about something. Who knows, his Quirk did give him some damage in the entrance exam, maybe he was afraid of that happening again. You decided to leave him alone, knowing that if you pushed him, you wouldn't get anything out of him.

"Ok, now, we're going to start with some simple exercises that you did in middle school. However, you can now use your Quirks...and if you want to pass, I suggest you do." Aizawa said. "Huh? But we never used our Quirks in middle school." Uraraka said. "Correct, but now you're here. We encourage you to use your Quirks to push yourself and go beyond your own limits." You perked up and Aizawa could see the wheels turning in your head. "Heh, but that's not all! Everyone will earn points from every exercise and the person with the lowest amount will be expelled." You and Midoriya gulped and all the students looked at each other to make sure they heard him right. "Now, let's see what everyone can do, shall we?"


In the teacher's office, Present Mic was going through your student files again and All Might was going over Aizawa's teacher files. Present Mic held his chin and grunted before turning back to his computer to type something on the keyboard. (Ok, I updated her student files on the computer. Now her "pressure" Quirk as I'll call it for now, should be on the list.) Present Mic saved the data on the computer and closed your student file envelope before he set it off to the side on his desk.

All Might adjusted the papers in his hand and suddenly held his breath when he read Aizawa's teacher information. Present Mic leaned back in his chair with his hands behind his head and teetered the chair with his foot. "Yo, All Might, what's wrong?" He asked, seeing the pale expression on the hero's face. "'s nothing..." Present Mic scoffed and pushed the papers in All Might's hands down on the table so he could look at him. He smirked at All Might and waved his finger side to side. "You can't fool me I know these are Aizawa's papers."

All Might sighed and pointed to the little box where his finger trembled. "Right says he expelled 154 students in class 1-A." Present Mic paused and quickly kicked himself out of his chair and speed walked around the desk to stand next to All Might. "What!?" He ripped the papers out of his hands and skimmed over it, mouthing the words as he read, shivering. His shaking fingers curled in around the papers edges and he bit his lip as he growled. (Aizawa...!) "Darn him!" He threw the papers down on the table and balled his fingers into a fist as he charged towards the door. He tore the door open, not even bothering to close it, and ran to class 1-A.


Aizawa was running everyone through his tests and you were barley passing. You were limited on your Quirks and using them fast because of the time it took you to activate one and then deactivate it to use another one. Your eyes were starting to get puffy and watery from using multiple Quirks so many times. They weren't used to this kind of strain on your body or Quirk, so you were pushing past your own limits. But to everyone else, it looked like you were having an allergic reaction to something.

Aizawa could tell you were exhausted and that's what he wanted to see. He knew you could push yourself farther than you were, and he wanted to see how much stronger you could become from it. However, he was also keeping a close eye on you to make sure you weren't overdoing it either. So far you have outdone yourself by beating your middle school scores by a few points if not a whole number. But even then, your eyes were starting to reach its limits from switching your Quirks every few seconds.

You wiped your eyes off and sniffled, blinking three times to make the tears in your eyes go down. Midoriya was keeping a close eye on you because you appeared to be ready to fall over. You were slightly leaning to your left and rocking side to side, making it seem like you didn't know how to balance yourself. "Hey, (Y/n) are you ok?" Midoriya asked you. You slowly turned to him with water leaking out of your puffy red eyes and you nodded. "Yeah...I'm just overdoing it a little." You admitted.

"Can you still go on?" Uraraka asked, holding your shoulder to help you support yourself. "I don't have a choice." You said. "(Y/n) not take this the wrong way, but you are starting to lose stamina and fast." Iida said. "I know, Iida, but I can't quit now. I have to keep going!" You said, pumped up and Aizawa smirked. (Heh! There she goes...she really does act like Hizashi as a kid.)

"Aizawa!?" A blonde-haired man screamed at him. He was too far away for you to make out the details of his face and body, but his hair was prominent. "Woah, what's Present Mic doing here?" Midoriya muttered. Aizawa turned to his friend steaming up with rage and knew what was going on. "Oh, Present Mic, how nice of you to come here and watch the students." He said, smirking.

Present Mic waved his fist at him and growled. "You know why I'm here!" He hissed. Aizawa scoffed and ran his fingers through his hair. "Whatever do you mean?" He asked, pretending to act clueless. Present Mic was about ready to scream at the top of his lungs, but he noticed all the kids staring at him and he relaxed. "Calm yourself, you're going to cause a scene on the first day of school." Aizawa whispered to him.

Present Mic looked over at you and his hand grabbed Aizawa's arm, squeezing it with an iron grip. "What is wrong with her eyes!?" He growled. Aizawa shrugged his shoulders and Present Mic grinded his teeth together. "You pushed her...didn't you? After I told you not to!? I told you her eyes can't handle that much strain!" He spat. Aizawa sighed and closed his eyes. "Shut're annoying."

You blinked your eyes three times thinking you could see better, but your vision started to cave in, and you started to shiver. (No...I'm losing my sight again!) You held your heart and started to pant in panic. Iida held you up on your right side and Uraraka held you up on your left. "(Y/n), what's wrong!?" Midoriya asked with a worried look, not that you could make that out. "I'm ok...I need to finish this test fast, before my vision gets worse." You explained to them.

The blonde-haired boy could see your friends holding you up and he grunted, turning to Aizawa and barking at him. "Hey! Aizawa-sensei, are we going to get this thing going or what!?" Aizawa and Present Mic turned to him and he nodded. "Very well, the last test will be throwing a ball as far as you can with your Quirk. Who wants to go first?" He asked. You lifted your heavy head and raised your hand. "I do!" You shouted. Present Mic made a fist and Aizawa nodded. "Very well...let's see what you got."

My Hero Academia- Present Mic x Reader (The Five Senses) (On hold)Where stories live. Discover now