Till death do us part.

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On their ride back home, Shen Wei buried his face under his shirt with Yunlan teasing him. "Wow I actually can't believe that the Shen Wei that I know just proposed to me in public."
"Shut up" Shen Wei muttered.

Yunlan couldn't help but laugh. "I'm not going to lie, I was actually taken by surprise when you said all those words. My Xiao Lan. My boyfriend. My fiancé. I was so shocked!"

"I think we all were." Lin Jing added.

"What was I thinking in front of all those people. I must've been possessed." Shen Wei said.

"Why are you all so relaxed?! The wedding is in two weeks thanks to your crazy schedules. We have an entire wedding to plan. It has to be huge! We need to think of the location, the number of people, the suits, the food, the honeymoon. OMG we don't have time!" Yezun said panicking.

Shen Wei told him to calm down "We are going to have a small wedding. Nothing big just close friends and family only."

"I beg your pardon? You are Shen Wei and he's Zhao Yunlan. You two are the hottest bachelors in the entire city so your wedding should be big." Yezun argued.
"Your wedding is like an investment to get the board members to know that you think of them and a party for your employees. Let them know that you guys care about them. After all they are doing most of the work for you two. So this is the least you can do for them." He added.

Both Lin Jing and Yunlan agreed with Yezun. "My love, I'm Zhao Yunlan like he said the number one hottest bachelor in the city just saying. Anyways my point is, I want to let the whole world know you're going to be mine forever and I don't want to do it secretly. You know what, leave all the planning and everything to me and Yezun and worry about nothing. Just make sure you show up on the day."

Shen Wei sighed and nodded.

Almost 2 weeks had passed and it was the day before the wedding when Zhao Yunlan took Shen Wei to see his mother. He introduced him to her as the man of his dreams. He professed his undying love for Shen Wei to him mum. Shen Wei paid his respects to her and promised her he will love Yunlan forever and will always be there for him.

Strange enough Shen Wei's parents were buried on the opposite side of Yunlan's mother's grave. Shen Wei also introduced Yunlan to his parents. "Uncle and Aunty I promise I will take good care of both Shen Wei and Yezun. They are in good hands so please sleep tight and don't worry about a thing. I love your son so much."

After their visit to the cemetery they both went to a church. Shen Wei took Yunlan's hands "Yunlan you know we cannot get married in a church so I wanted to bring you here to get God's blessing. To show Him how much I love you. So, here we go. Zhao Yunlan I take you to be my husband because of how amazing you've been in my life. You are the light that showed up in my dark life. My knight in shinning armor. You've gone through hell and back for me. You always make me smile. During my darkest times you were always there for me. You're the best friend I could ever wish for. The best man I could ever wish for. You make me the luckiest person alive to have you as my husband and companion. Thank you for coming into my life. Thank you for not giving up on this love. Most importantly thank you for loving me. I love you my Xiao Lan."

The words of Shen Wei filled both their eyes with tears.

"Oh wow Xiao Wei you're making me cry. Where do I even begin? Umm...before you came into my life again it felt like there was something missing. I had totally sworn off love. But then I saw those eyes in my office I couldn't get over them. I was curious to know you ever since I first laid my eyes on you. I know we've had our ups and downs. You did turn me down a lot of times but I'm a fighter and you can't shake me off that easily. I'm actually so proud of myself for not giving up on us since day one. You are the best thing that ever happened to me and I'm not joking. Thinking that I lost you *sniffles* broke me. I don't ever want to be apart from you ever again. I promise to love you forever and that's exactly what I'm going to do. I love you so so so much my Xiao Wei."

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