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Zhao Yunlan brought Shen Wei back to the Wei mansion. He placed Shen Wei on the bed and Jing noticed needle marks and other bruises from being electrocuted. He was shocked and asked Yunlan where he found Shen Wei he explained everything and as they were speaking Shen Wei woke up. He looked around and asked where he was and Jing noticed the rhythm of Shen Wei's heartbeat was way off and his body temperature was abnormal. "Shen Wei how do you feel?" Jing asked.
"I feel fine. Why am I in my bed? How did I get here?"
"Yunlan brought you. Shen Wei where have you been? How did you get these bruises?"
Shen Wei noticed them and lied to them that he doesn't remember.
"Meng Po came out. He told me you were going to make a big mistake. Shen Wei what did he mean by that? What did you do? Where did you go-..."
"I SAID I DON'T KNOW! I don't remember anything. Please stop asking questions. Please..." Shen Wei cut in.

The room went silent for a second before Yunlan broke it "Did you meet Wei Fang?"
"H-How did you...?"
"Xiao Wei don't trust that man no matter what he says. I don't know what he told you to do but please reconsider and don't do it."

"You don't understand..." Shen Wei murmured.

Lin Jing was silent the whole time and Yunlan told him to help out but Jing had noticed something and didn't know how to ask. "Shen Wei use your powers on me!"
Both Yunlan and Shen Wei were confused by the sudden request. "I can't...I don't want to hurt you."
"You won't hurt me just tell my legs to stop moving." Jing requested.
Yunlan asked what he's doing and Jing told him he was checking something.

Lin Jing walked from one end of the room to the other without stopping once. "Just as I thought...Whatever they did to you had made lose your powers. Your current body temperature is 28 degrees. Shen Wei you should be dead now. The strangest part is you should be cold right now but your body feels warm. You need to tell me what you've done?!"

"It's...probably for the best." Shen Wei said.

"YOU KEEP SAYING IT'S FOR THE BEST! WHAT'S FOR THE BEST?!" Jing furiously said to Shen Wei out of frustration.

Yunlan asked Jing to calm down but Jing was so furious he had to leave the room. Yunlan sat next to Shen Wei and told him he needs to understand everyone is worried about him so he needs to stop behaving as if he didn't care about anything or anyone. After saying what he had to say, Yunlan stood up to leave.

At that moment, Yezun walked into the room and Shen Wei stood up to give him hug. "Thank goodness it worked. How are you? Do you feel uncomfortable anywhere?"
Yezun was so lost and confused by his brother's action.
"I thought I was never going to see you again. When I found you like world felt like it was crushing..."
"Ge what are you talking about?" The last time Yezun saw Shen Wei was when he slapped Shen Wei.

"It worked! That...that means mum and dad can come back to life and Uncle Zhao. All of them..." Shen Wei said with glee.

Yezun felt uncomfortable with his brother's words and behaviour and asked Yunlan what was wrong with him. Yunlan walked closer to Shen Wei and asked what he meant by that. Shen Wei repeated telling Yunlan his father will come back from the dead. Yunlan was getting devastated "Xiao Wei listen to me, my father is still alive. He's in a coma right now, so whatever you are going to do please don't do it."
Shen Wei argued and told Yunlan he was lying to him. "There's no way Uncle Zhao can be alive...I-I killed him. I felt his heart stop just like Yezun's. Yes! just like Yezun...Just like Yezun...Old Fang already brought him back then! Mum and Dad will be back soon let's get ready. I'll make mum's favourite food..."

Yezun began to tear up just looking at his brother. Yunlan didn't know what to do either he hugged Shen Wei in hopes to calm him down.
Back at the Guardian Community, Zhu Hong asked if she should dispel the hallucinating spell she placed on Shen Wei. Wei Fang told her she shouldn't bother. "Meng Po woke up ruining are plans. Make the people around him think he's crazy. They might've found out about us and your spell is our only solution and there's no way anyone can break through your spell."

Shen Wei is losing his mind😢
Jing is fed up.
Yezun is scared.
Yunlan is lost and doesn't know what to do.
Evil Wei Fang's plans, seems to be just the beginning.
I'm scared for them all.😭😭
Thanks for reading my lovelies❤️

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