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They all were shocked to see who had walked in and Yunlan quickly went and hugged his father tightly. "I'm so glad that you're alive, you scared me old man." They broke the hug and Zhao Xin Ci told him he was glad his son missed him. Yunlan countered and told him he didn't miss him which made him laugh. They all sat down to talk but Shen Wei hid because was scared to face Yunlan's father. Yunlan then asked why Zhu Hong was there. Zhao Xin Ci told them Zhu Hong was going to help them take down Wei Fang and they needed everyone's help especially Shen Wei. Shen Wei got out of where he was hiding and was dragged by a Yezun to sit down. "I'm glad you're ok A'Wei. When I was dying I was so scared I thought Wei Fang had finally won but thanks to Zhu Hong and Meng Po we are both still alive and well."

Lin Jing asked what happened that night. Zhao Xin Ci told him he was unconscious most of the time "Before Shen Wei got there Zhu Hong told me what they had planned and that I had to die for him to see and she had no choice but to cast a spell on Shen Wei. Lucky enough, I was able to wake Meng Po up to ask her to save me, considering She's a spirit. Meng Po granted my wish and when I was stabbed by Shen Wei, She was in the process of healing me but was interrupted by Wei Feng who had to make sure I was dead. That's why it took me longer to heal and I'm sorry for the pain and misery I put you guys through."

Yunlan then asked how Da Qing knew about him being alive. Da explained that Zhu Hong phoned him and told him what to say in case someone asked and to also keep the fact that she was helping them a secret until Zhao Xin Ci was ready to tell them. Yezun then asked if they could trust her.

"I don't care if you trust me or not but we have a common enemy and that's Wei Fang, who keeps growing stronger as the day goes by and we need to stop him. You people might not feel the urgency to this situation but you have no idea what man is capable of. He forced me to kill my parents when I was just 4 years old. Ever since then, he's been using me to do his dirty work for as long as I've lived and I can't seem to get out of his control. I know he's definitely going to come for Shen Wei and Yunlan as soon as he realises the powers he took was not the one he needs to survive." Zhu Hong replied.

Jing asked what she meant by that and Zhao Xin Ci explained. "I need to let you know about Wei Fang and his powers. A thousand years ago Wei Fang was born without any powers and he fell in love with the prettiest maiden, her name was Shen Ruo. She was kind-hearted and she helped everyone and everything with her healing abilities. One day Wei Fang confessed his feelings for her but she rejected and told him how much she loved another. Jealousy took over Wei Fang and assumed she did not love him because he was powerless. He suddenly disappeared after being rejected and used dark arts to cultivate his own spirit to make himself a spirit master. He succeeded but there were flaws to this as he was unable to control the evil spirit and in order for him to be in control he needed to end the life of a real spirit-master at their weakest point in life or to take away a spirit-master's powers. However if he couldn't do it, he had to take away the life force of anybody just to be able to control it in a short period of time and the consequence of that was him being weak. He kept trying to take away Shen Wei's powers and life force but he always failed, he even found a way to control Meng Po to do his bidding but all his efforts were all in vain. He thought, if Shen Wei a kind human like his mother then if he killed someone he loved the most that would definitely break him and make him weak so he could take away his life force but this always backfired and Shen Wei always killed himself or Shen Ruo got involved and helped her son. For centuries he tried and for centuries he failed. Now this time is different, he believes he will definitely succeed and if he does the world is doomed. We need to stop him before that happens because this is not about love anymore it's all about power if he was capable to kill the woman he's loved the most then he is capable of doing the anything."

Yezun asked if it was safe for all of them be meeting like this is, if Wei Fang is as evil as they claim.

"Hahaha you have always been the smartest Yezun" Wei Fang said laughing as he burst in.
"How exciting for the whole family to gather like this?" He added.

Zhao Xin Ci was about to wake Meng Po up but he was stopped by Wei Fang.
"Don't do anything stupid Xin Ci. I thought you were dead, I guess this is not the only thing you betrayed me on Zhu Hong my child. How nice to see you here you sly snake. I knew I could never trust you. You were the reason Meng Po woke up when I was so close, you saved Zhao Xin Ci and now you have everyone who works for me only listening to your commands and not mine. I'm actually proud of you for trying but it's too bad I had to kill them all the same way I'm going to kill everyone here. Wow I'm still amazed how you managed to fool me this long and make a machine that actually decreased my powers. Since I have no choice I thought why not just kill everyone and everything. Let's all die to end this endless cycle of misery but or so I thought but then I've changed my mind. Each time I made Shen Wei kill Yunlan but that has got me no where and then it hit me, what if I do it personally this time after I've tortured him and I kill him right in front of you all and none of you can do anything to stop me." Wei Fang said right before he vanished into thin air taking Yunlan  with him within a split second.

This left Shen Wei restless and he began to panic he stood from where he sat with his entire body trembling and started pacing back and forth. They called out to him but he didn't respond to anyone. Yezun got a hold of him and slapped him on the face to get it together. "Wei Ge this is not the time to be panicking. Take a deep breath and listen to me, Jing had already placed a tracking device on Yunlan Ge. He said something like this would happen so we planned ahead and right now he is locating him so calm down and stay strong for Yunlan. We will definitely get him back if we think of how to stop Wei Fang." Yezun said convincing his brother to calm down and it worked.

Jing managed to locate Yunlan at Shen Wei's parent's home. Zhu Hong told them she had a plan which might work.

Thanks for reading😘
See you in the next part❤️

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