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Staring directly at Shen Wei's tearful eyes, Yunlan finally admitted defeat and backed away from Shen Wei. He moved his hands and told Shen Wei to leave. Shen Wei was still shaken up he couldn't move yet, he just stood there looking at Yunlan. Zhao Yunlan couldn't stand the sight of Shen Wei so left first, closing the door really hard behind him. As soon as he left, Shen Wei felt weak in his knees and slid down the wall and held his chest. "Why does it hurt so much?" He said to himself.

Hours passed and Da Qing came to pick up Yunlan from work to have dinner together. "Bro I called you countless times you didn't ans-..." he didn't finish his sentence when he saw Zhao Yunlan sat in a corner in his office looking gloomy. Da Qing quickly run to hug his friend and as he hugged him, tears began to fall from Yunlan's eyes. He knows Yunlan's luck with love is the worst, anyone he has ever liked has never ever liked him back. And with his current state that Da Qing saw, he guessed it was a matter of the heart.

"Do you want to drink tonight?" He asked. Yunlan just nodded and Da Qing helped him up. They got to a bar and Yunlan had a couple of drinks, he looked lifeless, the scene of Shen Wei crying replayed in his head. "Am I really that bad fatty, that nobody will ever love me?" He asked. Da Qing hit Yunlan's should and shouted at him "Any one who doesn't love you is an idiot. You are a great guy Yunlan. And if you truly love this person, you need to fight harder, don't let them go. You shouldn't give up that easily. Come on! You are Zhao Yunlan the man who never gives up!"

"It's different this time fatty. He's nothing like the others, it hurts more when his eyes saw me as a monster. I wish...I wish..." Yunlan said as he passed out onto the table. Da Qing just helped his best friend into the car. "You really love this one Yunlan." He sighed as he pith the seat belt on Yunlan and drove him home.

Later that night, drunk Yunlan woke up and looked for his phone and dialled Shen Wei's number.
*ring ring*

"Hello?" Shen Wei picked up.

"Hello? Hello?" Shen Wei said again. As he was about to hang up.

"What did I do wrong Shen Wei? Do you hate me? You treated me like a monster today. You didn't want to be near me or even talk to me. And all I want is to get to know you Shen Wei. I really want to smell you daily, kiss and caress you. I want you to be mine. I can't get you out of my head. I think I'm losing my mind. I'm in love with you Shen W-...." Yunlan said right before he passed out leaving Shen Wei on the line.

"I think...I love you too..." Shen Wei softly said without hanging up and listening to Yunlan snore until he also fell asleep.

At dawn, Shen Wei seemed to be having a nightmare. He was dreaming of the same dream again but this time, he was the one that mercilessly broke up with Yunlan. He immediately woke up sweating and panting for his breath. He got up from his bed and went into the kitchen for water to drink. He sat at the dinner table thinking of both dreams. His brain was going to explode just thinking of the right thing to do. He doesn't want to hurt Yunlan and neither does he want to be hurt by Yunlan. This kept playing in his head as he walked back upstairs. He got into his bed and heard Yunlan calling out his name in his sleep on his phone. Shen Wei's heart felt warm just listening to it, he hang up wishing Yunlan a goodnight and went to bed.

The next morning, Shen Wei got up early and for the first time he didn't have any headaches, he didn't hear any voices either. He showered, got dressed and went downstairs to prepare breakfast for his boys Yezun and Lin Jing. He really needed their advice on what do to? He woke the boys up to have breakfast. The two were so tired especially Lin Jing who had dark circles and had barely any rest. Shen Wei placed a cup of coffee in front of them. He just stared at them as they drunk the coffee. Yezun looked at his brother staring at them like he had something to say "Wei Ge are you going to say it today or tomorrow?" Yezun asked. Shen Wei sat down in front of them and asked for their help regarding his little dilemma.

"So you are distancing yourself from Zhao Yunlan because of a dream you had?" Yezun asked. "And now the dream has changed. So you want to know if you should go for him?" Lin Jing added.

"WEI GE ARE YOU CRAZY?!!" If you love the man why are you letting your dreams get in the way. You need to seize the day Wei Ge. You need to be honest with Yunlan, let him know how you feel. Yezun said to his Gege.

"Lin Jing? What do you think?" Shen Wei asked.

"You didn't get any headaches today. And the voices? Did you ask yourself why? You fell asleep listening to Yunlan and thinking of him. I think you two are some how connected. Give the man a chance and accept his feelings. Lin Jing said while sipping his coffee. Shen Wei looked at both men and nodded as he knew exactly what he had to do. He kissed his didi and the cheek and kissed Lin Jing in the forehead as he grabbed his keys to head out.

As soon as Shen Wei left, Lin Jing asked Yezun why he had to lie to Shen Wei about his powers manifesting overnight and worse than ever and when he was going to let Shen Wei know that he also knows about his powers. He thinks I'm the only one who knows about it.

Yezun took a sip of his coffee and remembered something from their childhood.

"Yezun you need to be a strong for your GeGe and protect him from himself and only his loved ones can save him" his mother said to him.

At the age of 7 he didn't really understand what it meant until the anniversary of their parents death, he saw his Wei Ge crying, holding his head and  he was clearly in pain. Suddenly, everything in Shen's room began to float around him, he didn't notice his didi standing next to him as his ears were covered with his hands and eyes closed screaming "Shut up!!" Yezun was shocked and scared when he saw that, he ran down the stairs and bumped into Old Fang panting. He couldn't utter a word, all he did was point in the direction of Shen Wei's room and out of nowhere Old Fang hugged Yezun "I know" he said. Yezun looked at Old Fang. "He will be alright" old Fang added while stroking Yezun's back. Yezun didn't know what to do he just sat outside his Gege's room and Old Fang entered trying to calm Shen Wei down. "Ah'Wei listen to my voice" he said to Shen Wei hugging him tightly and whispered something in his ear making him calm down.

After a few minutes passed, Shen Wei was sound asleep in Old Fang's arms as he places Shen Wei on his bed. Yezun entered the room with everything on the floor, the lamp was broken, the room was a mess. Yezun was blankly staring at his Gege and went to sleep next to him. Old Fang and his servants cleaned Shen Wei's room making it look like nothing ever happened.

That night, Yezun woke up and saw Shen Wei looking in the mirror. His eyes were different, he felt like someone else. He was laughing as he was slowly stabbing a cat they had. Yezun was so afraid, he couldn't believe what he saw. "I will kill everyone you love Shen Wei" he said to himself looking in the mirror with blood on his clothes and hands. Yezun was too frightened to say a word all he did was lay there staring at his brother. Yezun finally managed to get up and took the dead cat from the fainted Shen Wei and buried the cat at the back of their house. He rushed to Shen Wei's room and changed Shen Wei's clothes. He cleaned him up with a wet towel, whilst crying. "Protect Wei Ge" he said to himself the whole night, hugging his brother tightly.

So he must never know about his power's origin, because knowing Wei Ge he might kill himself before letting HIM take over his body.

"What do you mean by HIM?" Lin Jing asked.

"He is the demon sleeping inside Shen Wei's body. The demon is the god of destruction and death, anything he touches dies. He can only fully take over Shen Wei's body when Shen Wei is very depressed and he feels like he has no will to live anymore. Also when he's severely injured or a near death experience." Yezun replied.

"Aren't we meant to keep him away from Zhao Yunlan then? And most importantly find a way to kill that demon before without hurting Shen Wei" Lin Jing said.

"No! Yunlan is very much needed in this, he might be the only one that can save Shen Wei from being the MONSTER he really is."


Sorry for breaking Yunlan's heart.😞
I wonder which dream is real?🤔
Shen Wei is a monster😩
I hope Yezun is doing the right thing, hiding the truth from Shen Wei

So I wrote this as fast as I could sorry for the mistakes if there's any.
Thanks for reading my lovelies😘❤️
See you in the next chapter.

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