Time apart

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"A week has passed, did you complete the task I gave you?"

"Yes. I think they broke up. Yunlan is nowhere to be seen and Shen Wei hasn't left his home since the incident. Is it time to approach Shen Wei, master?" Zhu Hong asked the man. "Also Master, I don't understand why you had to kill Zhao Xin Ci when you could've killed both Ye Zun and Zhao Yunlan to get what you want." She added.

"Haven't you learned anything Zhu Hong? Yunlan is Shen Wei's true love, if I kill him history will be repeating itself and I do not have that much time left. This time let's see if his true love will prevail and when the time is right we will approach him don't worry. For now, you need to be Shen Wei's therapist he will need one soon." The man replied grinning from ear to ear.

At the Wei Mansion, Shen Wei was sleeping in his room with Lin Jing bandaging Shen Wei's wrist and inserted a blood IV into the back of Shen's hand. "How many times has it been this week?" Yezun asked Jing. "It's the fourth time. At this rate we could actually lose him. He needs psychological help. It's really strange, he tried to kill himself whilst sleep walking. I tried waking him up but he limited my movement. I could move only when he passed out."

"I've troubled you, I'm sorry Jing Ge."

"No need to apologise, you've been busy with the company and there's so much going on, with Yunlan and his father. That reminds me, I really don't think Shen Wei killed Yunlan's father. He recalled the same scenes and he claims Zhao Xin Ci was dying in his hands but he doesn't remember anything to him."

Yezun replied telling Lin Jing he spoke to Da Qing and he's still looking for Yunlan. "I really hope he didn't do it, I want to believe in Wei Ge..."

"Believe in your brother Yezun! You and I know him so well and even if he did it, please be on his side, right now he needs all the love and support he can get. Most importantly we need to find Yunlan immediately so they can talk this out."

Yezun nodded in response as he laid next to his brother whilst Lin Jing exited the room. "Wei Ge please stop hurting yourself, we love you and we don't want to see you get hurt. Jing Ge is restless because of you, he will only rest when you're fine please take good of yourself and I promise I'll find Yunlan Ge for you and you two can mend your relationship I promise."

Later during the day, Shen Wei woke up with his didi next to him, he noticed the IV inserted in his hand. He pulled it out and silently walked his bath as he filled the tub up with water. He stood still staring at the water overflowing in his bath. He then placed his hands over his ears in an attempt to block the voices he keeps hearing. "No please, no...Help me Xiao Lan..." Shen Wei said before entering the bathtub. He sat in the bath and gradually lowered his head under the water and shut his eyes. At that very moment Yezun ran into the bath, he pulled his brother out and gave him a hug shouting "ARE YOU CRAZY?!"

Shen Wei began to cough and noticed a frightened Yezun staring at him shaking.
"He-Help me..." Shen Wei said to Yezun before he helped Shen out of the bath. He sat Shen Wei on his bed and covered Shen with a blanket as he dried off his Ge's hair. "Why did you do it? Why do you want to end your life so bad?! Don't you care about Jing Ge and I?!! He's trying so hard to keep you safe and Yun-..."

"The voices...they are back. I'm scared Yezun, I can't control myself when I hear them. I need help..." Shen Wei pleaded to his brother in tears. Yezun couldn't help but hug his brother tightly and that moment Lin Jing entered the room and told them the new psychiatrist was downstairs waiting. Yezun held his brother's hand and took him downstairs. The psychiatrist got up introduced herself to them as Zhu Hong. When Shen Wei heard her voice he got scared and hid behind Yezun. Yezun turned to his Ge and assured him that everything will be okay with the help of Zhu Hong.

Couple more days passed, Da Qing still had no lack locating Yunlan, he searched everywhere and the only place he hadn't thought of checking was Yunlan's mother's house in the countryside. It was Yunlan's safe haven whenever things weren't going his way, he goes there to clear his head. Da Qing together with Chu Shu Zhi got to the house, which was filled with empty alcohol bottles and Yunlan slammed on the couch. They tried waking him up but he didn't answer until Da Qing poured water on Yunlan's face to wake him up. Yunlan immediately woke up and shouted at Da Qing for waking him up. "Do you plan on drinking and sleeping for the rest of your life?!" an angry Da Qing shouted at Yunlan. "YES!" Yunlan responded.  "We've been looking for you everywhere A'Lan. A lot has been happening especially with your father's case, I need to let you know the full truth." Chu Shu Zhi said as he handed Yunlan a glass of water and a towel. "What truth?"

"Remember when you asked me about the organisation your father was looking into. Well, they are called the Guardian Community. Your father had me look into them recently and I found something..." Shuzhi said whilst handing Yunlan some papers. "Your father knew something like this would happen so he prepared. A'Lan what I'm trying to say is...Your father is still alive."

Yunlan stood up from where he was seated and held Shuzhi by collar asking Shuzhi to explain himself further. Da Qing walked over and told Yunlan to calm down. "This is not the first time Uncle Zhao has been killed. This usually happens but it's a secret kept from you. I tried telling you a couple of days ago but you ignored my calls and also you weren't even supposed to find out he had died. I can't hide truth anymore because this is ripping you apart."

Yunlan was taken aback he sat back down in his couch and covered his face with his palms saying "Thank goodness." as he let out a sigh of relief. "Now that you know about the Guardian Community how are you going to break the news to Shen Wei, he needs to know about this." Shuzhi asked Yunlan.

Da Qing cut in "About Shen Wei...Yunlan I heard you two fought and after you left he's in a bad shape..." Yunlan then asked what had happened to him. "Bro...he tried to kill himself a number of times over the past week. Yezun was so worried, he begged me to find yo-..." Without ending his sentence, Yunlan sprung up and told Da Qing to take him to Shen Wei. Yunlan looked a mess, his beard was untidy, his clothes reeked of alcohol and he hadn't showered in days but all he could think about was the wellbeing of Shen Wei. The way he looked or smelt was the least of his problems then.

They got to Shen Wei's home and Yezun gave Yunlan a big hug thanking him for coming back. "Where's Shen Wei?" He asked. "Upstairs in his room. Shen Wei is a bit different now. But hey we're glad you're back." Jing said to Yunlan.
"When you say different, what do you mean?"
"Wei Ge has changed, he's always locked up in his room, he only comes out to speak to his shrink. It's as if he doesn't care about anything or anyone anymore. He even stopped going to work. Please help talk to him."

Yunlan told them he will try as he headed upstairs to Shen Wei's room. He knocked on the door a few times but he didn't answer. He then entered and saw Shen Wei sleeping on floor in his room. Yunlan without making a sound slept next to Shen Wei on the floor. He stared at the sleeping Shen Wei silently and noticed Shen's bandaged wrists. "Xiao Lan's smell..." Shen Wei said before opening his eyes. "Hi." They both said to each other as they locked eyes without looking away. They stayed that way for a good while without saying anything to each other.

Will be a make up or break up?
I really hope whatever planned for Zhu Hong doesn't go her way.
Thanks for reading this😊
See you guys in the next chapter.

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