Additional Chapter 1 : Happy Morning (2)

Start from the beginning

I now understand why Namjoon could leave and cancel his meetings even when they were in the middle of it when he received even a simple call from the twins nursery without a single stutter.

I'd fly across the world in an instant if I happen to know that Minji or Hyun or even Jimin had a new scratch on their bodies.

Jimin had told me multiple times about me being too protective towards them, but I was still struggling on how to not ditch work when they were not in my sight after a few hours.

"Yes, and mama too. Now come on, we need to get ready to school. You can go and wash up like a big girl now, right?" I encouraged the girl, knowing that she liked being called a big girl after she had a younger sibling now.

"Yes, Minji's a big sister now. I even help mama change Hyun's diaper yesterday!" she told proudly, and I pulled her into another hug and placed a kiss on her cheek.

"Oh wow, I'm so proud of you!" I praised, and the growing girl just smiled prettily, still be looking so much like me.

Hyun in exchange, had been looking almost too similar to his mama. He got Jimin's eyes and lips - that's for sure - and probably Jimin's small frame, looking at how small he was now. But that couldn't be confirmed yet, since he's still so young.

After helping Minji to wash up and packed her art supplies just as Jimin mentioned before he slept, I walked into the kitchen. Having both of my kids in my arms, I did got busted by Jimin for sometimes using them to work out my arms. But the kids loved being carried around, so it's a win win situation for us three, and Jimin stopped complaining about it.

Placing the kids in their seats, I looked up to the clock on the wall. Minji's school bus will be arriving in more or less an hour, which gave enough time for me to make her breakfast and send her to the front gate.

It wasn't like we couldn't drive her ourselves as Jimin had already offered the girl, but Minji had told us she wanted to ride the bus with her friends, and we decided to let her, glad that she's making friends just fine at her kindergarten.

"Minji, do you want to help me make our breakfast today? We could surprise mama," I asked as I placed the bread into the toaster.

"Yes! Minji wants to spread chocolate and peanut butter on the toast, please" she requested specifically on the task she always loved to do, since she could steal a spoon or two of the jams as she spread them on the toast. I laughed and granted her wish anyways, sliding the opened jars of chocolate and peanut butter jam in front of her.

Hyun had settled for a banana that I put in his fruit feeder that looked like his pacifier, quietly biting on it with his barely-out teeth and gums. His saliva spilling out sometimes due to him starting teething, and Minji was kind and attentive enough to wipe them away with his bib everytime she saw it.

We completed making our breakfast around ten minutes after that, and I once again carried the kids to the main bedroom where Jimin was still sleeping.

I'd love to let him sleep in, but the omega would always make sure that he bid goodbye to his daughter and smothered her with kisses before she left for school. It would saddened Jimin up if he couldn't do it today. And I did promised Jimin that I would wake him up once breakfast was ready, so that we could enjoy eating them all together, the four of us.

Reaching the bed and slowly putting both little babies of ours on the bed, I observed as Minji let Hyun crawled to their beloved mama and patted his small hand on Jimin's cheek.

"Mama, wake up. Minji and Hyun and papa makes breakfast for you," Minji talked with soft voice, already learning how to control her excitement based on the situation she was put in. She was a great and fast learner, and I was always amazed at how proper she's acting despite her young age.

Jimin moved around and swiftly captured Hyun into his arms, and the little boy cackled when Jimin peppered him with smooches all over his tummy. Jimin sat up and cradled the boy with one arm, and I just smiled as he looked at Minji and me who were just watching from the side.

"Good morning, my babies. Come Minji, mama miss you so much, honey" Jimin opened his free arm wide, and Minji took no time to settle on Jimin's lap, giggling as she pecked both her mama's cheeks.

"I miss you too, mama. Do you have a good sleep? Papa said he's not busy today so we can eat and play together," Minji looked up to see Jimin's face.

"I have a very good rest, thank you for asking, darling. And I heard that I have breakfast waiting for me. What did you guys make?" Jimin bopped the little girl's nose as he asked, earning another giggle from Minji.

"We made toast with chocolate and peanut butter! Hyun eat a banana already, but Minji and papa is waiting for you, mama. We want to eat together," she told fluently, and Jimin answered with excited voice to pump up the little girl's sprit even more.

"Then what are we waiting for? Let's eat, then go to school quickly, and later we can play with papa all day!" Jimin's small encouraging words received a loud 'yay' from Minji and a yell of nonsense babbles from Hyun.

Jimin looked at me with wide smile, before we both bursted in laughter, entertained by our children's enthusiastic reactions.

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