Sza squinted. "Three?"

I nodded and looked at Jorja. "Three?"

Jorja sighed. "Three."

"Okay, 1...2......3."




My eyes widened. "Didn't expect that."

Jorja's cheeks turned red and she crossed her arms. "You love Sza more than me?"

I frowned looking at Sza. "You love Jorja more than me?"

Sza glared at Jorja. "You love Y/n more than me."

Jorja hummed and nodded. "Touché."

I chuckled and shook my head. "At least no one has the most love and its evenly divided," I shook my head. "Jorja? Really Sza?"

Jorja scoffed.

Sza shrugged. "Well, granted we have been through more shit together plus I've known her for thousands of years. It'd be kind of hard not to be closer to her," she looked at Jorja. "At least I thought but, she loves you more."

Jorja shrugged and looked down as her cheeks turned darker. "I-I just...I don't know I get this sense of protection with Y/n a-and I've had this feeling even when we first met her," she met my eyes and shrugged. "I-I don't know I just...I guess maybe because I lost you once before I've gained a new kind of love for you...I mean...I cherish you now."

My heart skipped a beat and I swallowed before chuckling. "Ew."

She smiled and softly punched my shoulder.

I looked at Sza who was pouting.

She sniffed. "That was beautiful- oh my God you said you cherish her," she wiped a fake tear. "I fucking ship."

Jorja rolled her eyes. "Don't, she loves you more."

They both looked at me and I sighed.

"No- okay look. It's not a matter of who I love more but, more so of who with the most? I don't know, Sza just has this aura about her that draws me in," I shook my head and looked at Jorja. "But you...when you say shit like that you have no idea what happens to my heart."

She smiled softly.

I shrugged. "I was being honest, I don't love either of you more than the other but, I do have a stronger bond I guess. At the end of the day you both do the same thing to my heart so," I shrugged. "I love you both equally."

Sza nodded. "Exactly, like I said I'm just closer to Jorja, we've seen everything together so of course, my bond is stronger with her."

Jorja nodded. "And I never lost Sza so, losing Y/n definitely made me gain a special appreciation for her."

I nodded. "Good then, we're all on the same page. Equal love but, different bonds." I looked at Jorja who was still looking down. Glancing at Sza she nodded to Jorja.


She quickly looked up at me.

I held my hand out. "Can our ship still sail?"

She rolled her eyes and smiled softly as she looked down at my hand. She reached forward placing her hand in mines.

Chills instantly ran up my spine as I ran my hand over her knuckles before lifting her hand and kissing the back of it. I looked up at her and I watched her smile instantly turn into a fake ass pout.

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