Chapter 11

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The article was taken care of quicker than I thought, Levi made a few calls and it was deleted the next day. We had a brief conversation about how that probably won't be the last of articles like that and it's important I understand they're pretty much all bullshit. It's a little embarrassing when I think back now on how much I read into it, but to be fair, it was my first experience with something like that. I guess it's to be expected when you date someone famous.

"I think we should get a sugar daddy too." Jean's voice cuts into my thoughts, and I turn to face him with an eyebrow raised, glancing at Armin to get a shrug in response.

"He's been saying that for the past few days, I stopped entertaining it."

"Babe, seriously! Imagine, we could be set up like Eren is." I roll my eyes as Jean and Armin begin to bicker and look at Mikasa, finding her looking down at her phone with a small smile on her face.

"What are you smiling at?" I ask in a teasing tone. It's rare to see Mikasa without a glare or expression of general disdain.

She jumps slightly like she's been pulled out of a trance and clears her throat awkwardly as she places her phone down on the kitchen island. "....It's nothing."

I shoot her a look over my shoulder as I carefully lift the pan with the first batch of apple turnovers and move over to the oven, opening it and sliding it in quickly. I'll choose to let it slide, for now, Mikasa tends to be secretive with what goes on in her life, I'm sure if it's serious she'll tell me eventually.

I turn back to the image of Armin slapping Jean on the back of the head and scoffing, rolling his eyes at Jean's wails of pain before looking at me with a small smile.

"How has everything been, Eren? I know you told me you were pretty upset about that article."

"Levi was able to get the article taken down, I don't know exactly how he did it but he mentioned something about a PR manager named Petra."

"That's good, I saw the article almost as soon as it came out and died laughing from how much bullshit it was filled with." Mikasa cuts in, a small chuckle going around the kitchen as we all think back to the various exclamations of me being a gold digger written in the article. Our laughter dies down and a beat of silence flows between us before Jean speaks up.

"Speaking of articles about sugar babies, let's talk about your sugar daddy, specifically why you don't ever let your dearest friends reap the benefits of his expendable wealth." He narrows his eyes as he looks at me expectantly.

I raise an eyebrow as I stand and move to start the second batch of turnovers. "What?"

Armin sighs loudly and gives Jean a look when he opens his mouth to respond. "Don't listen to him, he just wants to be able to buy Gucci whenever he wants too."

"Well, I was thinking more along the lines of Eren extending Levi's wallet to a hefty monthly deposit to the three of us-"

"Jean you piece of shit!"

"We don't need Levi to start sending us money!" Armin and Mikasa both exclaim, a loud argument ensuing between the three of them as they begin yelling over each other, and I smile in amusement at their antics. It truly is never a dull moment when the four of us get together.

I decide to cut in when Mikasa stands up with a hand raised back, and while I normally would love to see Jean get the shit slapped out of him, I would rather there not be an all out brawl between the two of them in the same area I'm trying to bake my apple turnovers.

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