Chapter 3

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After I sent the video to Levi, it initiated a lot more texting and rated R conversations. Over the course of the past month, I find myself almost every night being coaxed into a mind blowing orgasm by the sound of Levis' raspy voice in my ear, easing me into the pleasure. I practically forced him to create a snapchat, and sometimes we'll go back and forth on there throughout the day, giving us a way to see each other's faces and know what we're up to. We've only video chatted once, and that ended up being some very memorable phone sex. Not to mention all my bills are paid, the oven has been replaced, and my fridge is full for the first time in over 6 months. Overall, it's been enjoyable, and I find myself more pleased by our little arrangement than I initially thought I would when we started this.

There's only one problem, no one knows. And I've never been good at keeping secrets, so I decide it's finally time to tell Jean and Mikasa one afternoon in my bakery.

"You have a what?"

"I knew something was going on with you!" Both Jean and Mikasa say at the same time, steam practically coming out of Mikasa's ears as she fumes in her seat and Jean hopping out of his, pointing a finger at me with an obnoxious grin on his face.

"Mikasa, why are you so angry?" I ask as I begin to roll the pie crust out on the large metal table in the bakery kitchen. "And Jean, put that finger away and sit down."

He scowls at me but still listens, plopping down in one of the chairs I have placed around the smaller table in the corner and running a hand through his light brown hair.

"Why am I mad?! Eren! This is basically whoring yourself out! To some rich....old....asshole!"

"Whoah, whoah, whoa there Mikasa. Eren is most definitely not whoring himself out, in fact at the beginning Levi said he would never force Eren to send or do anything he didn't want to. Now, they might have phone sex every night, but thats none of my buisness..." Armin trails off as he sips from his straw, raising his eyebrows at me.


I sigh as I stop rolling out the pie crust and turn to face Mikasa. "Armin is telling the truth, I was the one who really initiated the whole sexual aspect of our relationship, before that we were mainly just texting. And he's 31, only 11 years older than me!"

She scoffs and leans back in her seat, crossing her arms over her chest and looking away before looking back at me, a fond glint in her eyes. "Just....make sure he doesn't try anything crazy, ok? I'll kill him for you if he does."

I smile at Mikasa, sometimes I forget how strongly she sees me as a little brother. Growing up with her and being there for her during some of her worst times has created an almost inseparable bond between us, and I know her being overprotective is just because she cares about me.

Doesn't mean it's not annoying though.

"Unfortunately Mikasa, I think Levi's dick might kill him first. Now I've never seen it, but I just know it's big-"

He doesn't get to finish the rest of his sentence because Armin hits him on top of the head and he whines in pain, complaining about his boyfriend being abusive. We all collectively ignore him, and Armin and Mikasa turn to me as we continue the conversation.

"How long has it been anyways, a couple weeks?" Mikasa asks as she messes with the wispy dark bangs covering her forehead before adjusting the bright red scarf around her neck. "It's cold in here Eren, do you have heat in this place?"

I shake my head as I respond. "Ugh, I know, somethings up with the heater. And it's been around a month."

She hums in understanding but doesn't ask another question for a moment, thinking before she speaks. "Do you-"

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