Chapter 2

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"For the spring/summer collection I think we should do something different this year. Instead of light colors and floral's, we could incorporate darker colors with lighter material. I think it could really create a statement that spring doesn't always have to equal color."

I nod along to what Sasha's saying, finding myself agreeing with everything she says. It's rare she doesn't act like a complete imbecile, but it's moments like this that remind me why she's one of my best designers. A darker collection would definitely stand out, and could create a new way of looking at spring and summer fashion. Not only that, most of my brand is based around darker colors anyways, so it would match up well.

"I know we normally stick to winter and fall fashion, but this is our first time expanding into spring/summer fashion, people are going to be expecting a lot from us. We can't just follow the status quo." She tucks a few stray strands of her brown hair behind her ears, and stares at me expectantly as she finishes.

I open my mouth to agree with her, but the sound of my phone buzzing and the screen lighting up catches up my attention. I grab it discreetly to check it and make sure it isn't anything important, but instead I find a Twitter notification for a dm from Eren, the guy from the bakery I sent money to last night. A smirk stretches out on my face, and I turn my phone off and look back to Sasha.

"Something important just came up, we're going to have to talk about this at another time. I'll get Hanji to contact you when I have time to meet again and we can expand on this, thank you Sasha."

She raises a skeptical eyebrow but doesn't say anything, simply nodding and gathering up her folders full of designs, quickly slipping out of the large doors to my office. I pick my phone back up and open Twitter, going into the dm's and ignoring countless others full of bullshit I don't care about, opening the conversation with Eren's account.

ErJaeger: Um, this is kind of awkward considering the last time we talked I was super drunk and kind of out of my mind, but I just wanted to apologize and also thank you for sending me the money. I won't bother you again!

I frown as I read the message, this is not what I was expecting. The thanks part maybe, but 'I won't bother you again!'... I don't like that idea at all.

LeviAckerman: What if I want you to bother me again?

The small check comes up next to my message almost as soon as I send it showing he's read it, and the three dots come up immediately after, signalling he's typing.

ErJaeger: Why would you want that?

LeviAckerman: I don't mind it, and you shouldn't apologize for anything that happened last night, I didn't mind that either.

Which is true, the conversation we had last night was....interesting, but I don't regret it all. Disregarding the money, nine thousand dollars isn't a huge loss to me, I actually enjoyed talking with the boy. Even though much of it was probably drunken antics, there were peeks of his personality that came through that are intriguing to me. Very intriguing.

ErJaeger: Honestly, I thought you were going to be weird about this or this would become some big problem but it doesn't seem like you're going to make it like that so....

ErJaeger: Thanks

A thought flashes through my head, but I disregard it, that definitely is not what my mother meant when she said it's time for me to find someone, that's the type of idea Hanji's crazy ass would suggest.

But...for some reason, this young guy with ocean eyes and a personality that draws me in like a fish to bait is making that same idea I disregarded less than a minute ago come floating back up to the surface. He makes me want to take a risk, one that actually has me slightly anxious.

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