Chapter 7

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" still haven't confirmed my suspicions about how large his dick is-"

"Jean, I told you not to ask him something like that!" Armin interrupts him with a harsh glare before turning back to me with a much calmer expression. "How has everything been, Eren? We haven't seen you in a over a week-"

"Yeah, he's probably been too busy getting his back blown out by Levi." Jean cuts in with a devious smirk, and I stop rolling out the bread dough on the kitchen table to sigh deeply, resisting the extremely appealing urge to throw the rolling pin in my hands at his head.

I realize it isn't worth having to hear him whining in pain, so instead I look back to Armin and respond to his question. "I've been pretty good, just mainly been with Levi or here. Sorry I haven't reached out to you guys in a minute."

"It's alright, I know you've been adjusting." Armin smiles reassuringly at me, before reaching out and punching Jean in the arm as he begins to open his mouth.

"Ow, what the fuck?!"

He rolls his eyes. "I promise you we don't want to hear whatever disgusting comment you have to say."

I find myself stifling a laugh as they launch into bickering, realizing how much I've missed spending time with them. Being with Levi is nice and I always enjoy the moments we have together, but there's something a little more satisfying about being with your best friends you can relate to a little more. No offense to Levi, but sometimes I wonder how he can be the CEO of his own brand while simultaneously not knowing how to use Instagram.

The different sides of him constantly amaze and disappoint me.

I look back to Jean and Armin to find them settling down a little, and after Armin focuses Jean with another glare, he looks at me with curiosity in his eyes. "What's it been like living with Levi?"

I flush slightly as I think about the copious amounts of sex we've had, choosing to disregard that and give Armin a much tamer response. "It's been nice, we go out together a lot more and living in a penthouse is definitely a nice change of pace."

Jean snorts and shakes his head. "That's not what Armin meant, he was asking what it's like. How do you feel about him, how does he feel about you, that stuff."

"Well, both of you already know how I feel about Levi, as for him....his personal assistant told me the other day she thinks Levi returns my feelings, but is overthinking and not really giving himself a chance to act on them." I think back to the conversation Hanji and I had briefly before putting the rolling pin down and turning fully to face my friends.

Both Armin and Jeans eyebrows raise, and I find the action slightly concerning. I know when you're in a relationship you take on some characteristics of your partner, but that was downright scary.

"Eren, you should tell him! And if his personal assistant is right about him overthinking, he might gain the confidence to respond to your confession." Armin exclaims, and I look to Jean to find him nodding along with his boyfriend in just as much excitement.

I let Armin's words resonate for a moment before frowning, there's a few things wrong with his idea. One, I'm not confident enough in myself to actually come forward with my feelings, the fear of rejection and potentially ruining what we do have scares me a little too much. And two, Hanji's assessment of Levi's behavior could be seriously wrong, he might not feel anything for me and, once again, confessing could just ruin our dynamic. Overall there are so many uncertainties that make me hesitant, not to mention the other insecurities I have. I would rather continue to shut up about my feelings until I have confirmation of his.

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