They Called Him The Unbreakable Sword, Bullshit: 7

Start from the beginning

After agreeing that he would leave the field's job to Ho Pil and only guarding when Lee Gon was in the palace, finally, he gained back his job.

Sin Jae didn't force him to rest like the other, the the detective sat on the bed and watched him 'talked' with Gon until they finished it.

He only listened with a sickeningly sweet smile that made Tae Eul shuddered, he was happy Jo Yeong was back.

"Detective Kang," Lee Gon sighed after losing, "I also need to talk to you for your job, follow me for a while," they still needed to settle down the job position.

Sin Jae left them and made only Tae Eul inside the room, she let out a laugh after seeing her boyfriend's pouting face.

Jo Yeong let out an annoyed sigh and started to prepare his shirt, he heard a shuffling sound from behind and saw Tae Eul approached him, "hey."

"Yes?" he looked to her, she looked down. Looking guilty as the memories of Jo Yeong weeks ago surfaced.

She let out a huff as he waited patiently, "I want to apologize," she said.

Yeong knew where this would lead to and he didn't think he likes it, so he offered his hand, making Tae Eul confused.

"Pardon?" she asked, putting both of her hand on the top of Yeong's waiting hands.

Jo Yeong knew this looked stupid and he was sure he won't do this if anyone else was in this room together with her.

He grabbed her hand, tilting it up so he could see her open palm. He bent down when she was about to question him.

Tae Eul widened her eyes when he leaned down and kissed her palm softly, her mouth was open slightly.


"I will protect you," he said, voice deep and almost making her flinch back.

"No matter what happens and even though I'm sure you're capable to protect your self," Jo Yeong cut her, "you're Pyeha's life and that meant you're also mine," he said with a calm voice.

"This Kingdom, his life, the glory and the life of our people; all of them is my life. I dedicated my whole life to protect them at any cost."

No matter what.

Because that's the role I chose to be.

She was still in shock, too surprised to talk back or feeling he hurt her pride. Jo Yeong's eyes were too steady, without any hint of doubt or regrets and left her speechless.

"I know it's egoist for me but please take care of yourself and pyeha carefully in the future," he continued, "because I will always be the unbreakable sword and strong shield for both of you, for eternity till the death take me as an equal."

So if you don't want me to be hurt please be more careful next time.

Kissing someone's palm meant giving and dedicating life to the other.

His little heart finally accepted it, to included Tae Eul without any obligation or force. The captain couldn't help but felt so proud and happy with himself.

"So please, don't do anything reckless," the captain gave a small smile and left the frozen Jeong Tae Eul alone in the room.


It was always being a bodyguard when he was with Lee Gon and Tae Eul, Jo Yeong chose that. He won't change anything because he loved to be one for them.

Somehow it felt different when he was with Sin Jae, after he left Tae Eul and went to the gazebo near the lake.

Sin Jae came with two steaming cups of hot chocolate, "one of the maids made this, Lady Noh said you like hot chocolate."

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