Is this what it's going to be like everyday here? Well, I guess it's better then the limitations in foster care.

"Move it." I felt someone shoving me out of there way, I looked at the figure, knowing who it was. Owen, of course.

"Sorry." I said, readjusting myself. He rolled his eyes and walked into the kitchen.

"Carrie, sweety." Hanks hand on my shoulder made me tare my eyes away from Owen and look up at him. "Yes?" I question.

"Here's your backpack, your schedule, school books and everything else is in here. If you need anything," Owen interrupted him. ", Don't ask me!" Hank shook his head. "Go to the office, they'll help you." I smile and nod.

I got a good look at him, he was sporting a black suit and slick backed hair. "Where do you work?" I found myself asking, he had a huge house and money for so many kids do he had to have a good one.

"I'm a lawyer." He said, patting my head. That's what I wanted to be for a while.

First I wanted to be a doctor then a lawyer then an author and now all I want to do his survive until age eightteen.

"That's cool." I said, he shrugged. "I like it." He looked at his watch and then got into dad mode. "Xander, Benji, let's go. You don't want to be late do you?"

Xander huffed and put his hands up. "I'm not leaving until I found my lucky soccer ball, I have a game after school."

So Xander plays soccer, all the boys play a sport and, other then Xander, I know that the twins play basketball. The other two, Benji and Owen, I still have no idea. Owen does seem like the football type though.

"I'll find it and bring it to school later but right now we gotta go." Xander let out a groan but complyed, walking to the front door.

Benji was such slower, getting off a seat and dragging his bookbag behind him. "Bye, sis." He said lazely as he passed me, I bit back a grin. "Bye, Benji." I waved at him as the three left.

Wait, what about the rest of us? How are we getting to school. "Here, eat this. We're leaving in a little bit." Liam said, handing me a granola bar.

"Thanks." I said, eating it quickly. I sensed a feeling of tension as it was only the oldest three boys in the house.

I looked around the boys. Owen was pissed, nothing new. Liam looked apprehensive for some reason and Luke just felt like me, awkward.

I lingered about 20ft away from them, wanting to just leave. What was going on now?

"Carrie?" Liam said suddenly, appearing next to me. "Yeah?" I said, thankfully for the tension break. "Your sixteen, can you drive?" I bit my lip, embarrassed for the answer.

I could not, well anyone could but I can't legally do it. I don't have a driver's license.

"Nope." He frowned. "Ugh, guess we'll have to deal with Mr. Road Rage over there." Owen scoffed, throwing a pillow at Liam. It missed him and hit me.

"I'm an amazing driver!" He proudly proclaimed, Luke muffled a laugh and Owen smacked his arm. "You've never complained before so shut it." Well, at least I know I'm not the only thing he gets angry at.

"Okay whatever, let's go." Owen said, standing up and walking to the door. "Come on, move your asses." He said, after none of us moving.

We finally followed him outside where Liam held me back. "He's pretty ticked off so I wouldn't talk to him." Why would I want to? He's an ass but, again, I understand why.

"I wasn't planning on it, Liam." I said, getting in the back seat. I wasn't going to be joining Owen in the front.

Liam and Luke had a brief back seat fight before Liam got in successfully, leaving a less then happy looking Luke to round the car and sit on the passenger seat.

"Don't get too excited." Owen mumbled as we backed out of my huge driveway.

I nervously fumbled with my fingers as he driver further and further away from the house. I hated being the new kid at a school, it sucks.

The car was eerily silent expect for the occasional throat clear, why is it so quiet? Is it me?

I tugged on Liam's shirt, he glanced at me. "Hm?" He mumbled, I looked out the window. Only seeing a small town and no school.

"How far are we from hell, I mean school." He laughed. "Relax, everyone will want to be your friend." I tilt my head in confusion. "Hardly." Owen said, Luke gave him a dirty look.

"Really, why?" I ask, he smirks. "Your living with us, everyone will want to know what that's like." Why would anyone care?

"It's not all that special." I said, Luke frowned. "Wow, that's hurts." I shake my head, it's nice but not special.

"People will care because your living with the big shots of the school." Liam said with a cocky grin. "Big shots? You guys?" Owen gripped the steering wheel.

"I mean we're the best sophomore basketball ball players." Luke said, pointing from him to Liam. "And Owens the quarterback." Great, they're popular.

That'll bring unwanted attention torwad me, I hope no one gets jealous or anything and hates me right away like Owen did.

"Hm, so your popular?" I said, trying to keep the sourness out of my tone. I like them, two of them at least but I've had bad experiences with popular kids in the past.

The ones at my old school used to call me names and laugh at me, calling me a mistake because of my family situation.

"Very much so." Luke said, the same cocky grin playing on his face. "Is that a problem?" Liam said, eyebrows raised.

Owen turned into the bid school's parking lot as he asked me. "No, not a problem at all." I lied, this was not going to be a fun day but I must keep my head up.

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