Chapter 19

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                 Elliana looked over Castlewellan from her spot on a building. It was past nine in the evening so the town was twinkling with lights from shops, street lamps, and houses. The most remarkable scenery the small town had was the Castlewellan forest park and lake. There was a stone castle that overlooked both the park and the forest. It's exterior and design reminded her of another castle, one she briefly called home. 


       Elliana tried not to wince when the carriage ran over another bump on the dirt road. She wasn't used to riding. It felt strange when the carriage would jerk up and down because of the unsteady roads. She would have preferred  to walk but her current company wouldn't let her.

       She refused to meet the eyes of the man who sat next to her, placing as much space between them without being disrespectful. She was miles away from the small town she called home. Should she be abandoned now, the best case scenario is that she'll starve to death. If the animals in the woods didn't get her first.

        Elliana peeked out the window and gasped at the sight ahead of them. A grand castle made of stone stood just beyond the forest. It had towers so tall, she might be able to touch the clouds in the sky! 

         "That will be your home from now on." a gruff voice stated. She turned to her companion in shock. He looked at her with little emotion. His face was set in a permanent frown, as if everything displeased him. He wasn't a forgiving man, that much she discovered.

"You are a lady now Elliana. Forget about the time when you were a peasant girl. This is your life now."

Flashback end
     Elliana frowned, it's been a while since she last pulled that memory out from the back of her mind. She couldn't remember who was in the carriage with her, but she had a feeling it was the same person from her other memory.

      "She's done for the day." Felix commented. He was looking at the bakery across from the building where they both stood on the room.

Elliana stepped forward and looked down to see a brunette woman wave to another employee in the bakery before turning left and walking away.

It wasn't easy for the two guards to find Vivian. All they had was her name and a picture that Felix had managed to grab off of Marcus before his body was burned. It took half a day but they found Vivian. Elliana happened to spot the human in the bakery, cleaning the windows. They decided to wait until Vivian was done with work before following her home.

The two vampires followed the human, blending in with the shadows and avoiding the security cameras. If all goes to plan, Vivian would disappear tonight and no one would know what happened.

They stopped a few ways from her house and watched as she went in. Felix turned and nodded at Elliana. It was time.

But when they approached the door, Elliana froze. Something wasn't right, a familiar chill washed over her. The same one that had alerted her of Damon's presence in Volterra.

Felix noticed that something was wrong. Then he noticed how silent it was. It was rather late and the house was a few ways away from the main streets but that wasn't the silence he was thinking of. He couldn't hear Vivian's heartbeat.

Elliana rushed into the house, breaking the doorknob in the process. There, lying on the floor, was Vivian. Her skin was pale and her eyes were wide open. Vivian's neck was bent at an awkward angle.

Felix followed in after Elliana and glared at the corpse. He then scanned the living room.

"Someone was here just now."

"A vampire." Elliana murmured. Only another of their kind could do this without drawing attention.

The two volturi guards moved cautiously. They couldn't sense the vampire who killed Vivian. It was like he or she just vanished right after the murder.

"I don't smell the scent of another vampire though." Elliana turned to her companion. It was true, the only scent she could detect in the room was that of Vivian's perfume. Other than that, there was no other scent. 

Felix walked around the living room, "Whoever it is was, they were clever and fast. Probably as fast as Elissa. I'll double check the rest of the house. Dispose of the body."

Elliana nodded. Felix disappeared further into the house while she disposed of the body.

Minutes later, Elliana stood on the porch while waiting for Felix. She did her best to remove any evidence that someone had broken into the house. She wasn't to worried about the broken doorknob, she just shattered it into smaller pieces and discarded it. The police would most like search for it but burnt pieces were hardly useful nor would it be noticeable in the fireplace.

Elliana tensed, she caught another vampire's scent. She turned her head to the woods. Whoever it was, they weren't moving. She focused her sights on one spot in particular. A vampire with a dark hood entered her line of vision. She could tell that it was a male vampire. He stood in his spot without moving. 

She felt a gust of wind behind her but didn't move to acknowledge Felix. Elliana trained her eyes on the male vampire, no doubt the one responsible for Vivian's death. Without warning, she lift her hand and used her gift. 

The vampire was faster though, he ran to them but Felix went ahead to intercept him. Both were locked into a fist fight. They continued into the woods when Felix threw a punch at the other vampire's face. Elliana followed them, running as fast as she could to keep up with their pace. She kept an eye on her surroundings, wary of any other vampire.

She came at a stop when Felix was thrown at a tree, sending it crashing down. Rushing forward, Elliana used her gift again, this time she succeeded in throwing the vampire against two trees. She heard him grunt but continued to throw him around. Felix got up and tackled the other vampire, wrestling him into the ground.  

Elliana stopped using her gift and let Felix wrestle the vampire on the forest floor. The brute managed to rip out both of the other vampire's arm and held him down. 

"I've got him. Elle, check if he has the raven medallion." Felix grunted as he held down the vampire who was still putting up a fight. 

Elliana nodded and moved towards them when she felt a strange sensation. She lost all movement of her body and her vision was outlined with black dots. Her senses dulled and her world tipped sideways. The last thing she saw was the look on Felix's face. He gaped but then his mouth curled into a snarl. She could vaguely feel the impact of landing on the ground. 

Another voice echoed in her ear but she couldn't make out the words. Elliana closed her eyes and succumbed to the darkness.

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